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Getting Back in the Game!.... a little help plz?
Greetings all,
My name is Kris, I’m attending TRU in Kamloops, 20 years old and looking to get age verified (Horton’s Heros? Or is that P and make my way back into airsoft again… possibly. I’ve been off the sport for a good while due to pretty crappy treatment on this very forum, not going to lie. The site is not n00b friendly and I found (yes, I’m going there) paintballers to be the polar opposite, even when I was intentionally dense they treated me like gold. That being said, I like my shooting sports, and don’t plan on discriminating between the two, but frankly if the entire first page is people flaming me for no good reason again, I’m leaving for good. That aside, the niche I found myself in paintball was milsim and now that I’m a mag fed paintballer, I’ve been kicking around the idea of trying to get back into airsoft since there’s a local team (I’m not trading one for the other, I want both sports). As you can imagine I have a fair deal of Mil gear and picatinny goodies being in that play type. In the past, I’ve found that people who use the big 200 rd hoppers, and those who use their 50 rd 300 rd reservoir wind up airsoft mags aren’t the most careful folks when it comes to play. When the threat of running low on ammo does not exist, I find people do not play very tactically and so as of late I’ve taken pride in walking in to a game with 36 rounds while all other have 400, and still walking off alive with a good haul of kills. Is there such a thing as accuracy in volume? I doubt it, that isn’t really accuracy at all, picking your shots certainly is. By now I think you can surmise I’d very much like to purchase a rifle some time. Before you pull out the “GTFO YOU NOOB” and all that “just bcause you played Call of Duty 4 doesn’t mean you can snipe” business, allow me to clarify. I would very much like to find a rifle (I am M4’d out, only AEG’s I’d drool at are bullpups), though not necessarily to snipe. I can, and have enjoyed that roll in the past but I like being more of the hang back and pick shots in plain view or sneak off to the side and flank kind of a guy; a rifleman or designated marksman if you will. I don’t call myself a sniper, but am a ghillie guy, not so much to play in, I’ve tripped and fallen on account of burlap threads getting caught under foot too many times but can help you make one hell of a suit if you like. I have seen some posts on here with players insisting on absurd things like playing for many years, being squad leaders, working your way through online forum ranks (WHY?) before anyone will let you touch a rifle. Honestly, muffin, this isn’t a real conflict, let’s have fun? I own the L96 from buyairsoft.ca and have for 2 seasons now with mild success playing with a small cluster of friends in another town. I’ve been looking at some of the gas powered rifles for playing somewhat more seriously (KJ M700 take down on 007airsoft for example. No idea how to obtain one in Canada or through the site) and both suspect and hope they’re inner workings might be similar to my paintball gun, familiarity with the system would be an asset for me. I’ve also had miserable luck with goggles and a suggestion for there is much appreciated. I understand using green gas causes you to get the most power from the rifle and too offset the power, heavier BB’s are needed. If you feel you need to correct me on that point feel free. If I pick this up again I’d love to get the best FPS I can with the heaviest and least wind susceptible ammunition. Alas, I could go on for hours, but perhaps instead of rambling on now would be a good time to try and spur a discussion and find out if I’m to be flamed off the forums again. Though it is sacrilege, I’ll leave you now with a picture of my *mag-fed* Milsig K-series paintball gun. . http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/5465/img1059v.jpg By gundy_g, shot with Canon PowerShot SD750 |
The reason people don't like Noob snipers is that in order for them to have any range advantage they need to be dangerously hard shooting and they just don't trust new guys, Also the gas rifles aren't consistent enough for a DMR or sniper really.
There isn't any "ranks" it's just respect and trust. Also there is training required at some fields so you can safely be a sniper, It has nothing to do with skill level or "rank". Oh and one more thing, Use propane. It's cheaper Green Gas. http://airsoft-innovations.com/GunGas.html Cheers. |
Dude, ASC is not real life. Buy w/e gun you want and get involved with your local scene.
Just keep it real. |
Sorry we put you off but TBH the forums was a lot less noob friendly when I joined. And TBH I would rather deflect a shit ton of noobs from airsoft with the chance of putting off one really dedicated player than letting airsoft going the way of paintball with "electro toting agg muppets" (although now it seems to be going back into the milsim direction rather than neon coloured jerseys and "space dildos").
Yep DMR is probably what you want, and if you've played milsim paintball then some of the skills should transfer. Also there's the same problem in airsoft as paintball in regards to "hi cap" mags or high capacity magazines (400+ BB reservoir the you "tickle" the bottom of the mag to feed bb's into the track). So I guess get AV, buy a gun and you're off to the races. Also keep in mind that with a gas system you're likely to have FPS deviations due to the gas and "cooldown effect" (gas expanding and I guess what could be described as "latent heat" transfer do to the rapid "evaporation" of the liquid into gas). If you want a solid DMR platform the ones that come to mind are the "SR-25" and SPR. Which are both armalites, which you don't want... The M14 is a good choice but with that it's "go TM or go home" from what others are saying, this could easily translate into $1000+ that you'll be dropping, $600 for the gun alone probably and then mods, mags, etc. Now keep in mind that you don't "have" to have an SR-25 to be a DMR, you could easily have a setup for the role and pretend your rifle is ____ DMR rifle. People aren't usually strict with these kinds of things unless it's hardcore milsim and usually it's trying to prevent someone with an AK slapping on an auto winding drum mag and calling it an RPK when someone actually went to the trouble of dropping the money for an RPK conversion and spending those countless hours installing and acquiring the parts. You'd be fine for the most part taking an M16 for example upgrading it internally so that it's accurate at long ranges and acting out the role of DMR. I highly suggest that if you don't want an Armalite then going for an AK, AK variant, or MP5 variant, is probably one of the best choices you can make due to the plethora of parts and upgrade options available (which means cheap because different aftermarket companies try to stay competitive and undercut each other). PS: Read the FAQ's if you haven't already, lots of good info there that would take me ages to get through typing. |
Hey I just noticed something. On 007 it says the KJW M700 is a Firearm and requires a "FAL" to buy. I was under the impression that because it does not meet the energy requirements to be a firearm that it's an "unclassified firearm" (basically like a 4.5mm pellet gun).
Also yes I didn't catch that, stryak is right you can't use a heavier BB to offset the power, power and momentum is constant in this case, what changes is the speed of the projectile against weight. I'm guessing you're probably not a Physics or math major then right? I'm going to go with the guess that you're a social science or humanities major :) . (Just poking a bit of fun at the non science majors. Hell, technically I'm a social science major because of my path in my major (Human/Cultural Geography/Demographics)). |
My understanding is AEGs are oft limited to 380 fps and rifles to sub 500. though I've heard of a field is manitoba where the limit is 600...
edit, and yes I'm a psych major, though i didn't realise you measured in joules, I thought it was fps entirely, the paintballer in me talking, we have slightly varying calibres (.67-.69 cal) with different fills and weights, as long as the ball flies at 300 fps you're golden |
There is a great group of guys in Kamloops. SSP21 is the age verifier out there. He also knows most of the guys from Kamloops to Penticton. So if you need any specialized info he should have an idea who you should talk to.
As has been said, theres a reason why most places don't let people they don't know or trust new people with bolt-actions. In order for a bolt-action operator to have any form of advantage over AEG gunners is the high FPS. When the FPS increases, as does the chance of injury. Its nothing personal but fun in airsoft only comes second to safety. Once you build a trust with your local players and they feel comfortable with you running a high-powered bolt action then by all means. Until then try and stick with an AEG.
You said you like bullpups, then once you get Age Verified and have access to the classifieds on this board you can then try and find someone selling an AEG along the lines of an AUG or L85. One thing to keep in mind though, try and stick with the "brand name" manufacturers like Tokyo Marui, CA, etc... and try to avoid clones as they are wrought with problems. Im sure there are volumes written about that topic all over the board. One last piece of advice I can give is this: best way to avoid flames is to show effort of doing your own research. The biggest gripe we have here is people who make thread after thread asking the same questions. That just shows laziness and it gets tedious after a while. There are search bars at the top that lets you search this forum and Google for just these purposes. Also one more thing. Another way to avoid flames is to take the advice given to you by people who have been doing this long enough to know what their talking about. Always take whats said with a grain of salt of course. Another gripe we have is when new people don't like the answers their given and start a temper tantrum like a child. Realize we don't say things to spite you or whatever, theres usually a good reason. Attitude is the key to most things, and that goes big time around here. Have good attitude and you will find anything you want. Have the attitude of a child and you will be quickly shown that wont fly around here. Hope you will make this jaunt into airsoft a permanent one! Edit: I also just took a look at your previous posts to see what flaming you were talking about, and to be honest you did have as much fault in that as anyone else. Your reaction was just that I was talking about: temper tantrum. If you don't understand why we do something a certain way (like provide sources for guns to someone who is not AV'ed like you did in the thread you made) then ask why and hopefully you understand. Attitudes will get you no where really fast, or will make your experience with airsoft a great one like most of us here enjoy. It depends on which path you choose for yourself. |
Welcome aboard Gundy G, Nice 'K' you've got there! I had the pleasure of meeting Jackie Chan in Atlanta at a paintball trade show last year. He and the whole crew took the time to demonstrate their products- a spot on bunch.
I have lucked out when crossing over to airsoft by meeting a couple of locals that have the patience to answer all my "newb" questions and I know that there are lots more forum members like them out there. As a former BT Ranger Captain (paintball), I know that feeling when you see the elitists take down a newb with flaming and poking fun at them. The team thrived at getting the "newb" to come over to run with us and sit in the Battalion tent. We even had the pleasure of a few to even join the team! I know that there are a few people that thrill themselves off of picking on the new guy- it happens everywhere- work, school, even the field. Some people aren't open to the concept of helping others out, heck, they may even be having a bad day themselves. Don't give up bro, I'll help you out where ever I can and when I don't know the answers, I can introduce you to some fine forum members that are willing to help out. With the age limit on this site, I have learned from the group of people that I have talked to the actual reason. They are heavily family oriented around here- and a big hats off to that. With some younger kids they tend not to think about the actions they preform, and know that they won't be held accountable for what they do. Which in turn robs the real players of the privledges that everyone has worked so hard for. If they bring a parent with them to a field, the host will be more open to the concept of letting an under 18 player actually play. Since you're over 18 I know it doesn't apply, but for those who read the whole thread, at least they have an explanation. I look forward to reading more of your posts as the technical info in them is quite accurate and it makes it easier for me to understand as a paintballer, lol. Once again, welcome bro. Mod:D |
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