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landwarrior October 26th, 2009 22:58

Holster differences and compatibility??

I'm planning to get a Tactical Leg Holster for my MK23, and I came across these two:


Is there a difference between the two except for the name??

Do you think it'll fit??


blade_x23 October 27th, 2009 00:29

Same holster, different name. You can actually notice they're the same by comparing the following pictures:

From Evike:

From AirsoftGI:

You can actually get it for a bit cheaper from

landwarrior October 27th, 2009 00:37

Ya, that's what I thought too. I thought ehobby asia's shipping prices were a bit higher then the one from the two American retailers.


Originally Posted by blade_x23 (Post 1092803)
Same holster, different name. You can actually notice they're the same by comparing the following pictures:

From Evike:

From AirsoftGI:

You can actually get it for a bit cheaper from

blade_x23 October 27th, 2009 01:02

From Airsoft GI, the shipping is 25 dollars, ontop of the 25 dollar holster, which makes it 50 dollars US. Ehobby the holster is 10 bucks + another 10 to make it 20 (or 25 dollars ship express to make it 35 US). Way cheaper if you ask me.

landwarrior October 27th, 2009 01:10

sorry to side track, but what's a "thumb break"??

blade_x23 October 27th, 2009 01:14

A "thumb break" is the retaining piece on the top of the holster that holds the gun in place as to not allow it to accidentally come out the top of your holster. It is usually disengaged via your thumb, hence thumb break, and allows you to draw the weapon from the holster. It is the traditional way to keep the gun in the holster. There are however a couple more modern designs that use alternate methods to keep the weapon in the holster (such as a blackhawk CQB serpa holster).

landwarrior October 27th, 2009 01:17

ok Thanks, u mentioned something about ehobby having it, can u provide me with the item's URL? =D


Originally Posted by blade_x23 (Post 1092843)
A "thumb break" is the retaining piece on the top of the holster that holds the gun in place as to not allow it to accidentally come out the top of your holster. It is usually disengaged via your thumb, hence thumb break, and allows you to draw the weapon from the holster.

blade_x23 October 27th, 2009 02:09

I'm not sure which color you want so here's the list:



Coyote Brown:


Some are currently not in stock. Please contact EhobbyAsia (if one of the ones you want is not instock) to get an estimate of when it will be. Savin 15+ dollars though I think is a bit worth a wait.

/edit: Recently noticed, the one advertised on AirsoftGI is the Guarder Version.
That's the one advertised on the other sites (it will still come out to a bit cheaper due to cheaper shipping). Currently they only carry black though. It's up to you on which route you wish to go (get the guarder one from ehobby, get the cheaper one from ehobby, or get the guarder one in a diff color from another site). But considering a holster is only really to hold your pistol in place, the cheaper style one should be sufficient.

Or if you really want to go for quality, you can get the Pantac Version from Ehobby (will end up commin out a bit more than a Guarder version, but you're guaranteed quality for the price):


Ranger Green:


Coyote Brown:


I always order my gear from EhobbyAsia, and their customer service is pretty decent, as well as the prices. Never once have they let me down.

If you want other options, ehobby has a fair assortment of holsters for different prices etc. So don't be afraid to browse the site. You cannot order certain items from the site however, as certain items are illegal to import. Please see THIS for more details

CDN_Stalker October 27th, 2009 09:07

Looks like it'd flop around with the size and weight of a MK23. I'd recommend something else, but am assuming you wouldn't want to pay more than $50.

landwarrior October 27th, 2009 13:17

OH WOW, THANKS SO MUCH!! I'll definitely check out ehobby asia then. I have experiences with them in the past, pretty reliable. I was also checking this out from airsoftgi, and was wondering if this would fit on the MK23,

in the video they tried it on a KWA USP, but I need it for a MK23, the description said it might can up to a desert eagle.

Kit October 27th, 2009 13:38

I recomend that you buy a real holster like a Blackhawk or Safariland not a clone or a cheap one because then mags might fall out and the quality is not very good..

Just my 2 cents..

CDN_Stalker October 27th, 2009 13:46


Originally Posted by Kit (Post 1093063)
I recomend that you buy a real holster like a Blackhawk or Safariland not a clone or a cheap one because then mags might fall out and the quality is not very good..

Just my 2 cents..

Is what I was trying to do, point him in the direction of buying something good that will protect and keep his pistol and mags safe and secure. Seems he wants to risk losing his $300 pistol by getting a $25 holster. At least when I started I splurged by buying a $50 one. Hehe

Conker October 27th, 2009 13:51

Blackhawk SERPA holster are quite cheap for the quality, that might be a good compromise.

Kit October 27th, 2009 13:52


Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker (Post 1093068)
Is what I was trying to do, point him in the direction of buying something good that will protect and keep his pistol and mags safe and secure. Seems he wants to risk losing his $300 pistol by getting a $25 holster. At least when I started I splurged by buying a $50 one. Hehe

Yeah I wouldent cheap out on a holster by any means to loose your gun or mags.. We need to perswade him to not cheap out lol

landwarrior October 27th, 2009 13:54


Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker (Post 1093068)
Is what I was trying to do, point him in the direction of buying something good that will protect and keep his pistol and mags safe and secure. Seems he wants to risk losing his $300 pistol by getting a $25 holster. At least when I started I splurged by buying a $50 one. Hehe

LOL...I was just looking. I think I'll get a Safariland 6005 for the MK23

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