Airsoft Canada

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Captian Insano October 26th, 2009 00:20

Anyone have the new VFC SCAR H SSR?
Hey guys,

Been a while since I last posted on here. I just noticed that VFC has a new SCAR H out, the SSR. I was wondering if anyone has it yet, and would care it give some insight on it? Is their any performance differences between it and the regular SCAR H, or is it just a longer receiver and barrel? I saw on the Airsoft GI review that its supposedly more powerful.

Heres a pic of it:

Also, like I said, its been a while since I posted here and I've been outta the sport for like a year or so now, and the last time I heard, VFC had some great guns, but they seemed the have gearboxs that just liked to explode? Or am I just pulling things outta my ass here? I am looking into getting a new gun since my friends have basically taken over my M4 and G36, and really like the looks of this new gun. Any help or info would be great, and I'd appreciate it.


KoolAidMan October 26th, 2009 00:26

we'll get age verified thats pretty much the only way you'll be getting that gun and as far as know no one has one so you would be the first

Captian Insano October 26th, 2009 00:31

Yeah, I know, Ive only heard that one 50 times now lol. I live in the middle of no where and cant justify driving 3 hours to Calgary just to get age verified, and if the whole "get age verified" thing can stop right there that would be great. And thats too bad no one has one yet. Does anyone know if theres any other companys who are going to do a SSR in clear bottom so that we can get it in Canada? Because I dont feel like driving to the states for the day to get one (EDIT: THIS RIGHT HERE IS A JOKE).

Skladfin October 26th, 2009 00:33

ive worked on all Dboys, CA, and VFC SCARs. And in comparison, VFC was absolutely the best gun you could go with in terms of SCARs.

It's very easy to take apart. Functional bolt catch was very cool. The hop up unit was very stable.

The best feature that I liked was the gears inside the gearbox. They are made out of very robust steel and mesh together perfect. It was also shimmed perfectly out of the box. Ported piston head, Non Linear spring + every other internals were very high quality to say the least. However the cylinder head leaked a little air, I solved that by putting in a fatter O-ring.

You can't go wrong with a VFC :)

Shirley October 26th, 2009 00:40

Clear bottoms on SCARs won't be available in the near future. Serial number is on the upper.
There will be never clear versions from VFC.
Good luck.

aznpos531 October 26th, 2009 00:47


Originally Posted by Ayashifx55 (Post 1091978)
what's so good about SCAR's ? Why are they priced a little bit below an M14 ? M14 i can understand ,it has v7 gearbox (i had a g&g veteran and it costed me 700$) the SCAR's i see are selling for 500-600$+ without anything.

I think it's just the "new and cool" factor.

Captian Insano October 26th, 2009 00:49

Cool, thanks for the info Skladfin, thats all good to know. And I know that VFC would never make a clear bottom for out market, thats why I was wondering if anyone else was thinking about doing it, but since the markings are up top that means either way it wont happen. Looks like theres going to be a trip to Montana in the future (EDIT: THIS IS A JOKE).

Skladfin October 26th, 2009 00:50

you mean lower mainland BC? as in Vancouver?

Captian Insano October 26th, 2009 00:55

Ya sorry, never mind on that one, what I mean is anywhere near Cranbrook and area, basically the East Kootneys.

Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw October 26th, 2009 10:38

So you would drive down to the States and smuggle an airsoft gun in or risk getting it seized and you won't make the effort to get Age Verified to be able to buy airsoft guns whenever you want? Am I the only one that sees the idiocy in that?

Crunchmeister October 26th, 2009 10:44


Originally Posted by Captian Insano (Post 1091969)
Yeah, I know, Ive only heard that one 50 times now lol. I live in the middle of no where and cant justify driving 3 hours to Calgary just to get age verified, and if the whole "get age verified" thing can stop right there that would be great. And thats too bad no one has one yet. Does anyone know if theres any other companys who are going to do a SSR in clear bottom so that we can get it in Canada? Because I dont feel like driving to the states for the day to get one.

Well then, likewise, the "where can I get a gun" has to end right here. It's against forum rules to ask about where to get a gun outside of the AV sections, just as it's against the rules to provide said info to an non-AV member.

And of course, non of us will support smuggling airsoft back across the border. You might be lucky and get away with it, just like you may end up in a cell facing charges of smuggling prohibited items across the border. They may only be toy guns, but they fall under firearms laws as replica weapons, and that's not to be taken lightly. Charges and convictions against you under the Firearms Act will fuck up your life pretty seriously.

Captian Insano October 26th, 2009 14:27

Well, considering I asked where in my part of BC is there someone who can age verify me, I would be making the effort to get both tasks done at the same time and save a trip, and if I couldnt get both done in one trip then I wouldnt bother. And the whole taking a trip down to the states to get a gun was just a joke, I dont condole smuggling products across the border either, and Ill fix my posts to let people know that they are jokes, and wont continue to use them, so take it easy? And at what point did I ask where can I get this gun? I dont believe I remember ever asking where to get it. I simply asked if there was anyone who knew if there were any companys who were considering getting making one. How did you get "where do I buy this at?" from that anyway?

Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw October 26th, 2009 14:42

I guess the sarcasm thing doesn't really fly too well online, especially on this topic.

And the "where can I get this gun" thing came from you stating you wanted to get this gun since your friends have M4s and G36s.

Captian Insano October 26th, 2009 14:46

Ya I guess it doesnt so Ill try not to use it here. And its not that all my freinds HAVE M4's and G36's, its that I have a G36 and M4, but my friends use them more often then I do because Ive been outta the sport for a while, but I want to get back into it, and want to get a new gun, and wanted to know if there were any companys who though about making a cansoft version. Not where can I get this gun?

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