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Frozen Tex October 13th, 2009 00:40

What's The Strangest Place You Found Gear?
Or the oddest thing you found to use as gear?

After a PM from Viking asking me about a pair of gloves I was wearing in a picture, I figured it'd be interesting to hear who else found cool gear in an odd place, or an odd item that turned out to be cool gear.

(My gloves came from Extra Foods; they were President's Choice gardening gloves that I got for $5 on clearance sale)

Mitchell12 October 13th, 2009 00:55

I have a Penney keeping my stock from wobbling because I'm too lazy to fix it.

gunscythe October 13th, 2009 01:09

I have been wearing a $30 pair of safety glasses from canadian tire that look like sunglasses and don't even know I'm wearing them. I also use a lot of Blenderm tape from Ebay (I can't buy it in Yellowknife, so bought 10 cases of it on ebay). This is 100% useful in R/C, and somewhat useful in airsoft. Blenderm sticks underwater and is like magic.

And FINALLY, I use a cut piece of a chair felt to keep magazines on cansoft guns in line.

scubasteve October 13th, 2009 01:14

You can find some pretty sweet stuff at Princess Auto in Winnipeg. I've heard of people buying alpenflage and ACU 24 hour assault packs there. For cheap to!!!!

Outcast569 October 13th, 2009 01:30

T&T in calgary here. Its a large asian/fish market. Grabbed a pair of gloves there used them for shooters gloves. Awesome grip and fairly thing yet very warm. I think I paid 6 bucks for them.

TokyoSeven October 13th, 2009 02:11


Originally Posted by Outcast569 (Post 1082697)
T&T in calgary here. Its a large asian/fish market. Grabbed a pair of gloves there used them for shooters gloves. Awesome grip and fairly thing yet very warm. I think I paid 6 bucks for them.

I love shopping at T&T whenever I back in Vancouver.
Unfortunately Saskatoon doesn't have a T&T.

Outcast569 October 13th, 2009 03:15


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 1082721)
I love shopping at T&T whenever I back in Vancouver.
Unfortunately Saskatoon doesn't have a T&T.

Thats too bad. Its a really great place for the odd things most places dont carry.

TokyoSeven October 13th, 2009 03:44

I wish we had one here so much! Could you imagine being able to go to T&T every day and buy a fancy cake?

yeah, I totally derailed a thread about gear and turned it into a thread about cake. Lets go back on topic now.

aznpos531 October 13th, 2009 06:51

I now have a strange craving for cake...

Blackthorne October 13th, 2009 07:16

Found an issue Nomex flight suit at Markham Fair.

Frozen Tex October 13th, 2009 08:12


Originally Posted by gunscythe (Post 1082685)
And FINALLY, I use a cut piece of a chair felt to keep magazines on cansoft guns in line.

You're welcome.

FOX_111 October 13th, 2009 09:11

I found a grimlock on the ground in a parking lot.

I have this knack of finding lost things. It's cool when no one will claim it.

Jube8311 October 13th, 2009 09:52

Oakley Assaults in my size at a Winners for $60!

They had the tan ones too but I didn't buy them and I regret it. I have never seen them there again.

Lerch October 13th, 2009 11:21

Hmm found a helmet, ground sheet and CVC gloves when I was clearing out cages at work one day. Lucky me, now I don't have to hand any of those in when I leave.

Oborous October 13th, 2009 11:35


Originally Posted by Jube8311 (Post 1082808)
Oakley Assaults in my size at a Winners for $60!

They had the tan ones too but I didn't buy them and I regret it. I have never seen them there again.

I'm assuming that you are talking about boots; not the gloves?

I picked up my gloves fro $55 canadian, but geez... $60 for boots is a fantastic price.


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