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connor.eckert October 12th, 2009 22:24

G&G M4 Carbine Regular or Advanced?
So Im looking at a G&G M4 Carbine from 007 Airsoft. I've heard the regular M4 Carbine (not the rec version) has compression issues. I was wondering if the advanced version fixes this problem with the upgraded piston and piston head. The advanced version is about 70 bucks more. Is it worth it?

- 8mm ball bearing bushings
- G&G "Strong Motor"
- Reinforced piston and metal piston head
- Bearing metal spring guide
- Silver Wiring
- Silver Electroplated 6.04mm tight bore barrel

= +$70


Amos October 12th, 2009 22:27

All G&G guns have compression problems.

Their piston head design sucks.

RaisinBran October 12th, 2009 22:29

Yup, best bet is to buy the cheaper of the two and replace internals.

connor.eckert October 12th, 2009 22:53

So the piston head in the advanced doesnt fix the problem? So do u think its worth it to buy the advanced for the other upgrades (motor, wiring, spring guide, bearing bushings)?

Indianajohns October 13th, 2009 02:41

Doesn't compression issues just mean you loose FPS?

B_s1de October 13th, 2009 03:15

FPS and consistency I would say
Correct me if I'm wrong...

Con Murder October 13th, 2009 04:24

It can mean whatever the gundoc says! Haaha, no in my experience compression problems usually are more obviouse with continued fire. Yes fps drops and consistency is compromised, but with the problem well documented and located you have peace of mind.

You can grab a new piston head for like $20 and have some one install it, or DIY. Its up to you if you think its worth it, many enjoy the guns G&G make.

connor.eckert October 13th, 2009 12:40

Thanks for the reply. So i don't really have much experience in installing new parts in airsoft guns so do you think its difficult at all to install a new piston head or should I just get someone else to install it? Also, my other question, so is it still worth it to get the advanced for the other upgrades?

Amos October 13th, 2009 12:48

You should get some one else to install it.

However... I don't think I've looked at the advanced model of the G&G M4 yet... I looked at one that had all the silver wiring and everything else... but it just had the same shitty piston head.

Compression issues will make your shot to shot FPS vary quite a bit, this will greatly effect the consistency of your gun.

connor.eckert October 13th, 2009 15:38

I live in Calgary so where could I send it to get the piston head installed?

L473ncy October 13th, 2009 16:26

Tons of people man. Swatt13 in Brooks, Darklen from Red Deer. Just look at the gundoc registry in the Doctors Corner. There isn't anyone from Calgary on there but I'm sure if you ask around JOC you can find someone.

Heck if you can't find anyone there's another guy who goes by the name Sam (Samuel) from EAR. Ship your gun out to him and get him to do the work for you. I've heard he does amazing work.

pusangani October 13th, 2009 16:59

jeez, just buy the gun and see how you like it before doing anything to it, it's silly when noobs go through so much indecision in buying a gun and then fret themselves over upgrading or fixing a brand new gun before they've even bought it.

If you think you aren't going to be satisfied with the gun in stock form, then save yourself the hassle and just buy one that will.

MoreToasties October 13th, 2009 17:09


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 1083097)
If you think you aren't going to be satisfied with the gun in stock form, then save yourself the hassle and just buy one that will.

That advice would have helped me so much a year ago.

It should be stickied.

connor.eckert October 13th, 2009 20:08

ok thanks guys for the replies. i guess ill just go with it stock for awhile or unless its very noticeable. But back to my question, is it worth it to get the advanced for the following upgrades:

- 8mm ball bearing bushings
- G&G "Strong Motor"
- Reinforced piston and metal piston head
- Bearing metal spring guide
- Silver Wiring
- Silver Electroplated 6.04mm tight bore barrel

= +$70 more than regular


theguy October 13th, 2009 20:14


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 1083097)
jeez, just buy the gun and see how you like it before doing anything to it, it's silly when noobs go through so much indecision in buying a gun and then fret themselves over upgrading or fixing a brand new gun before they've even bought it.

If you think you aren't going to be satisfied with the gun in stock form, then save yourself the hassle and just buy one that will.

This.... soooo much!

I bought a G&G, and played with it for a month stock.

Now, all thats left of it is the stock and the pistol grip, but that time gave me a chance to see what i wanted to change. And in fact it actually performed much better then i expected, I just wanted the best :P

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