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Kokanee July 27th, 2009 17:55

DIY Tactical
I have ordered from DIY tactical ( ) previously (2007), and needed some materials for a project, so I submitted an order in May.

Unfortunately DIY has completely dropped the ball, taking two months so far without shipping anything, but happily charging my credit card;

It was just some OD velcro of various sizes for a custom helmet cover I wanted for work. However despite numerous emails only one has ever gotten a response at it was;


"Sorry for the delay I'm just catching up on email. We are showing this as shipped I will run a track on it when i get to the shop tomorrow morning and get back to you. - Ron"
That was two weeks ago and nothing since, I've emailed them again telling them to cancel the order and refund my money asap.

So two thumbs down - disorganized and crappy customer service.

zarbenglphen August 6th, 2009 22:49

I've been making my own loadbearing vests for awhile, and was going to pick up some stuff from them... good to know. I will look at other vendors.

lupo August 7th, 2009 01:35

Kokanee what sizes of velcro are you looking for? I have a few 4" wide strips kickin around.

WhiskeySix August 7th, 2009 08:02

I've ordered from them several times in the past, with out "too much" hassle. There is a glitch in their system though, as some of my orders have shown up at my door, but are still listed on their site and "being processed". They also have a problem with keeping stuff in stock, and their store does not always have an accurate count of their inventory. I still think that they are a good supplier for some hard to find materials, if you are not in a hurry for what you need. Two months is far too long though.... definitely unfortunate.

CDN_Stalker August 7th, 2009 09:15

If you want various sizes and colours of velcro, PM Piper and ask to buy some from him. He has huge rolls in grey (for ACU), OD and black in various widths. Am sure he'd be happy to sell you a few feet of what you want.

WARFIGHTER August 7th, 2009 10:48

We used to order materials from DIY, but yea... Stopped for the same reasons. Poor CS, always out of stock on everything. We even asked him to hold materials that we were willing to pay for in advance until he had enough in stock so a large order for us was in (because shipping costs rape us) and he refused.

If you are looking for materials we may be able to help you out, we have a lot of various suppliers around now. Let me know.

Kokanee August 11th, 2009 17:10


After being personally assured by Mike Rinaldi, the President and owner of DIY that "we can reship the package immediately" on the 27th of July, I agreed to that instead of a refund.

Now it's the 19th of Aug and I have just been informed that my package has finally shipped.


When it takes them three business weeks to ship a package "immediately" when the owner gets involved, this company is indeed beyond all hope. I can only hold out and see if they got the order right. I will never order from this company again.

Saint_blackhand August 25th, 2010 04:27

I so sorry this is off topic, but where can I get OD, Tan and other 700d nylon?
I so sorry for the high jack, but I am using shoe canvs and its just not tough enough.

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