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Lisa July 17th, 2009 14:43

Pantac pre order is in
I know we were shy with the updates, that is because we didn't have any, but we we surprised when we received the order today and we will be sorting out whose stuff is what and hoping to have everything shipped out by the end of next week.

What we need from the people that ordered. Your shipping address so we can give you a quote on the balance, tax and shipping. I know some of you gave the full amount and some even paid the tax, we will take that into account when we give quotes. If you paid by EMT we'll just email you your quote and you can send us the balance and if you paid by paypal we'll submit a request through paypal for the remaining amount.

We will also send out a message via the ASCMart news letter over the weekend.

Lisa & Mantelope (Harley)

MrBond July 26th, 2009 15:24

When can we expect to receive the payment requests and the orders to be sent out ?

FOX_111 July 27th, 2009 18:38

Can't wait.

Silverthorn July 28th, 2009 08:16

8 days and no news yet about my order? What is the ETA?

Make that 11 days (sorry, edit button isn't there to fix my previous message).

WhiskeySix July 28th, 2009 14:18

Sent a PM with my shipping details and a request of how much left owing on July 23.... no reply yet.

surebet July 28th, 2009 14:35

Still waiting too

]EXIA[ July 28th, 2009 15:17

"sorry, we're sorting things out."

thats what they told after sending them 4 emails asking about my stuff

Silverthorn July 31st, 2009 08:20

Damn, will we need to go into retailer resolution with our own ASC ;)

Just a tad worried that there is a problem. Paid 1.5 month ago...

MrBond July 31st, 2009 11:04

Yea, not really forthcomming on the updates are they...

Danke July 31st, 2009 11:21

I would bet they got one big box with stuff mixed up like crazy. First they need to unpack it, check it off against the invoice, then start to match it to all the pre-orders. They can't update anyone till it's all done.

There can be stuff in there that's the wrong colour or not labled properly or worse. Stuff like this can be a huge nightmare.

FOX_111 July 31st, 2009 15:55

Still.... it's taking a long time now.
I was planning on using my stuff this august, wich will be my last game for this summer.

Fireboy August 3rd, 2009 12:43

Does anyone have an update on this, I'm think the community ought to be kept in the loop as to issues with a retailer.

MrBond August 5th, 2009 23:36

Did anyone even receive their paypal request for the remaining amount yet ? 2 weeks overdue is a loooong time...

Lisa August 10th, 2009 10:52

Ok, i'm missing a few usernames/email addresses I'm trying to get out the quotes today and I apologize for the delays, logistics and some other issues got in the way. If we do another preorder it will be done completely differently so we don't have this issue ever again.

If your initials are MB and you live in NS I need your user name or email address. Same with JM from Ontario. Your EMTs had neither listed in the email and we can't find the included message.

WhiskeySix August 12th, 2009 07:53

I've sent an email with my details to

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