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Jimski March 20th, 2009 10:16

upping your sales threads with 'BANANA' or 'SOLD'
Hey All.

I just thing people shouldn't do that.

If it's sold or if they want the thread Banana'd they can edit the initial post or the last bump.
posting a new message just makes people view useless threads and pollutes the new posts section.
that's just my opinion ;)

Cilantro March 20th, 2009 12:08

On the one hand I agree with you, but by bumping the thread to the top it also lets other interested parties know that the item isn't available anymore. However, anyone interested would probably subscribe to the thread anyway...

The Saint March 20th, 2009 12:11

What Jimski has stated is the actual rule, people need to follow it.

ShelledPants March 20th, 2009 12:11


Originally Posted by Omega! (Post 944397)
On the one hand I agree with you, but by bumping the thread to the top it also lets other interested parties know that the item isn't available anymore. However, anyone interested would probably subscribe to the thread anyway...

If interested parties were really interested, they would have contacted the seller and given a bid. Most people are just browsing or curious. I'm with Jimski, banana and sold bumps are counter productive, the admins clear the thread with search functions and it doesn't matter which page they're on to find it.

LUTNIT March 20th, 2009 23:21

Isn't it also against the rules to leave negative feedback for flakers? I have been seeing more and more sales posts with:


Generally, as soon as I see that I refuse to buy from the person. The item is not sold until cash is in hand, if you promise to sell it to everyone who inquires, your an idiot and are causing undue stress on YOURSELF. Several times I have had to cancel EMT's because the other guys payment got there first, last purchase I was beat by 8 minutes, I see that as totally fair.

FOX_111 March 20th, 2009 23:35

I think it's fair to have let the first person that commit to buying have it, even if someone offer more after.

My last item for sale atracted a lot of buyers. One of them offered 100$ more just to buy it when I stated it was sold pending payment.

I don't know if this is regularly done, but I would be furious is I sent a payment and was told that someone offered more and bypassed me.

Swatt Six-Four March 21st, 2009 03:07

also I feel if there hasn't been a bump in several months the Seller should have the post removed in favor a seller who is actively trying to move their product or item. Tired of pm'ing and getting the"sry dude I sold that a long time ago" Just my two cents

Drake March 21st, 2009 03:12

There's no rule against leaving negative feedback for flakers, and sales shouldn't devolve into bidding wars, that's why we have a rule that all sales must include a clearly set price or specific item(s) wanted in trade.

If someone commits to buying or trading (i.e., a transaction is agreed upon, payment/exchange info is exchanged, and item becomes SPF), then I think if the buyer backs out without a good reason it's valid grounds for some form of trade comment.

Actual sales are potentially lost while you wait around for a week for payment that will never come.

And if it was an exchange you're going into scam territory (sending your item off to someone who now suddenly isn't sending anything in return).


Originally Posted by Swatt Six-Four (Post 944912)
also I feel if there hasn't been a bump in several months the Seller should have the post removed in favor a seller who is actively trying to move their product or item. Tired of pm'ing and getting the"sry dude I sold that a long time ago" Just my two cents

That's more of a problem of people not bothering to mark their items as sold.

Old sales posts do get deleted after a while (or are supposed to anyway), and there's no rule that posts have to get bumped (they come up in searches even if they're buried). I have some active sales that haven't been bumped in a while.

Jimski March 21st, 2009 11:55

fyi, I look at trader rating and usually discard negative feedback due to flaking as irrelevant.
I also believe doing this to potential clients hurts your bizness, that's why I don't do it.

kuchervano March 21st, 2009 16:36


Originally Posted by LUTNIT (Post 944804)


Quoted for truth. Would it be a appropriate to promise negative feedback to various tricksters?

LUTNIT March 21st, 2009 17:41

It is impossible to flake on someone in my opinion. Until you have the money in your bank account, the item is still for sale. Its dumb to have bidding and is against the rules but I have always worked on a first to pay gets the goods system, as a result its impossible to flake on me unless you ask for a refund before I ship.

I have had people threaten to leave me negative feedback for flaking when all I asked for was a shipping estimate and then said no thank you. It can get ridiculous.

Apoc_ March 21st, 2009 19:33


Originally Posted by The Saint (Post 944399)
What Jimski has stated is the actual rule, people need to follow it.

I've been told by admins here that bumps before the week limit to mark an item sold is allowed and to not report these posts. Would it be possible to have the rules post clarified and all admins given this information?

I wholeheartedly agree that bumps to tell us the item is sold is a waste of everyone's time and resources.

I also wholeheartedly agree that asking for a shipping cost or other additional information is not an offer to purchase and thus not a flake.

Crunchmeister March 21st, 2009 19:38

Well, concerning the flakers - there are times when someone commits to a deal with you and says to expect funds shortly. Therefore, you turn down other offers to buy from legitimate buyers who have the money and are willing to pay. After waiting and waiting, you find out that the "buyer" changed his mind, so you techically lost potential sales to others. In that case, I agree with leaving negative feedback to buyers.

As fas as I'm concerned, whether you have the cash in hand or not, if you commited to buying an item from a seller, then you have an agreement and should honour it. It's the same with ebay. If you commit to buy, then you have a "contract" with the seller and are expected to honour it.

Kuro_Neko March 21st, 2009 20:20

I agree with Crunch and the others, just asking for a quote, or haggling - no. But if you say yes I will buy it, the seller agrees and you state they will have payment shortly then you have a commitment to complete that transaction. They will be turning away other offers while they are waiting for you. I would definitely expect negative feedback if I did that and would give it if it was done to me.


jtf2-phalanx March 21st, 2009 20:27


Originally Posted by FOX_111 (Post 944814)
I don't know if this is regularly done, but I would be furious is I sent a payment and was told that someone offered more and bypassed me.

Haha, that's happened to me on a few occassions. It sucked.

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