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xtylertyx March 4th, 2009 12:07

WG 104 Glock 17 NBB
Just recieved the pistol today. First impressions: It is quite solid. The slide can be racked back and there is a slide lock, but it is about a milimeter to long to be able to actually lock the slide back. Nothing a file couldnt fix ;). The pistol can be stripped down. Similar to GBBs you pull the slide back to a certain point then pull a pin out. Heres where it gets unique, you must pull a black piece down from the back of the slide. The mag itself is heavier than the whole gun! with the fiberoptic front sight its pretty accurate. I use propane, and this is the farthest thing from a gas hog. With a 2-3 second fill of propane, I can get aboput 2 and a half mags. The internals are all metal EXCEPT the outer barrel, it's plastic. The whole outer shell of the gun is plastic. The gun feels quite sturdy, though I wouldnt wanna drop either the gun or mag. The trigger pull is lighter than I expected, but still heavy. I would recommend single fire, or double tap. The mag holds about 16 rounds and is full metal. The gun has an open breech, but it kinda defeats the purpose, cause the mag blocks it when its inside the gun.The mag release is a little tricky to operate, its only made for right-handed people, but with enough practice reloads could be pretty speedy. The packaging is a styrofoam cutout, the form is cut to fit a Desert Eagle so it was made for any generic pistol. It came with the gun, 1 mag, small packet of BBs, regular front sight, and a fiber optic front sight. I dont own a chronograph and dont have any cans...but I had a juice box :) It went straight thru both sides. It went through a pie plate and left a large exit hole on the other side. It is made in Taiwan and distributed by WinGun fits the hand nice and feels good. All in all I'd definately recomend it for an inexpensive sidearm. Will up load pics later.
It was bought from capitalairsoft for 65$ plus a propane adapter.
Yeah your jealous of my spare bedsheets ;)
If ya got a question post it! I'd be happy to answer them.
IF you're going to buy this gun, I suggest you get the MK23 version because the MK23 is single and double action, whereas the glock is double sction only. If you take the glock's slide off you can cock the hammer single action. I dont know why they didnt just design this with a single action trigger also.
*edit* I shot it some more at targets, and I suggest that you use the NON-fiber optic sight because in order toget a clear sight picture the front sight needs to be tall, and the fiber optic sight is so short that you need to tilt the gun upwards ever so slightly and that makes the shots go high. I would recomend using .23 gram BBs because im using cheap wally world .20 gram bio BBs and they're curving up once they fly 30 feet or so. Also propane smells like fart. When the gun is shot outside, not in an enclosed space it sounds like its farting :P
*edit2* With furthur counting I found out that the mag does in fact hold 17 rounds.

G26 March 5th, 2009 04:23

Just a suggestion, leveling out the top of the front sights with the rear top for elevation.

xtylertyx March 5th, 2009 11:13


Originally Posted by G26 (Post 933200)
Just a suggestion, leveling out the top of the front sights with the rear top for elevation.

If the top of the front fiber optic sight is leveled with the top of the rear sight, the muzzle of the gun is pointed upwards and that makes the shots go high. But with the standard sight it fills the gap perfectly with no angling of the muzzle nescessary.

G26 March 5th, 2009 11:23

Looking at the posted pix, I understand what you mean now. From the pix, the FO is higher than the front sights itself.

If you would like to maintain the FO front sight, maybe filing the top slightly so that it shoots true POA?

Not sure if the front sight is durable enough to sustain some filing though.

xtylertyx March 5th, 2009 11:42

The fiber optic sight doesnt need filing, it is too short already.

sortie39 March 6th, 2009 03:37

nice review,but from the pix,it doent look like a G17 apparently!

xtylertyx March 6th, 2009 07:38


Originally Posted by sortie39 (Post 933916)
nice review,but from the pix,it doent look like a G17 apparently!

Well, my source for the model of it was some random kid on youtube, and theres no model numbers on it :D

Skladfin March 6th, 2009 10:33


Micky Mouse bed hahahaha

oh god

Crunchmeister March 6th, 2009 10:45


Originally Posted by sortie39 (Post 933916)
nice review,but from the pix,it doent look like a G17 apparently!

Yeah, doesn't look much like a Glock at all other than the general appearance of the frame.

xtylertyx March 6th, 2009 12:16


Originally Posted by Skladfin (Post 934004)

Micky Mouse bed hahahaha

oh god

haha its a spare because the cats have a tendency to piss in my bed.

00nothing March 7th, 2009 11:57

Thanks for the review seems like a decent starter pistol and for 65 bux disposable really on a side note i recently got a chance to try the tippman 104 and due to a mishap also got to dismantle it identical gun externally and internally.

I have 2 of the crosman co2 guns with the full size magazine and it turns out that the co2 mag from that fits into the 104 guns and vice versa just thought i would put that out there so if anyone is in need of co2 for winter fir this gun or the guys who own the crosman u can get the gas mags from capitol that are meant for the 104 and they will fit. The crosman gun has the same internals except more plastic in the build.

Brit ter March 7th, 2009 12:03

can you do a review on the juice box !

Conker March 7th, 2009 12:38

Seems identical (internally) to a CO² Airmag P50 I recently saw, except that the Airmag had more plastic. But this one seems shitty metal, so anyway...
Maybe mags are compatible? I'm not sure since CO² and Green Gaz/Propane pressure aren't the same, but the mecanism seem identical so maybe...

Could possibly be alright as a loaner backup or a backup of a backup, or something along those lines...

00nothing March 7th, 2009 13:08


Originally Posted by Comanche (Post 934705)
Seems identical to a CO² Airmag P50 I recently saw (internally), except that the Airmag had more plastic. But this one seems shitty metal, so anyway...
Maybe mags are compatible? I'm not sure since CO² and Green Gaz/Propane pressure aren't the same, but the mecanism seem identical so maybe...

Could possibly be alright as a loaner backup or a backup of a backup, or something along those lines...

the airmag p50 was the gun i was referring to in my post jsut couldnt remember the name we tried both the green gas and co2 mags and both worked fine in the tippman 104 and the airmag noticeable velocity diffrences though but we didnt get to chrono

xtylertyx March 8th, 2009 13:09

This gun was also sold by tippmann as ''Tippmann K400'' with a CO2 mag, Anybody know where to buy CO2 mags for this? I hate the fart-smell of propane :p

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