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appslapp February 27th, 2009 09:34

acm Masada review
part 1 and 2 of my review:

Krookedatmosphere February 27th, 2009 10:19

not bad i want one now

screwdriver February 27th, 2009 19:24

i bought one in the uk before they were withdrawn from sale due to copyright infringement, i think only about 30 were sold in the end so extremly exclusive over here.
build quality is excellent, when magpul eventually release theirs it has alot to live up to but then it should as it will four times dearer and not even a complete gun

appslapp March 2nd, 2009 17:58

tested today, and I am really pleased, just need a new hopuprubber and spacer to match my other aegs. i love the ergonomics of this i am a lefty;)

dockronixion March 3rd, 2009 10:05

very nice i want one why is it that with airsoft a new gun comes around and my brain says need my wallet says no!!!!!

what camera did u use looks like a nikon d90?

Conker March 3rd, 2009 10:31

Such a nice gun, and looks surprisingly good with an ACOG :D

Aww... I've got contacts to buy it, but none to get it inside Canada :( Bah, I'm underage anyways so too bad. Let's just hope the PTS won't be too unnafordable.

BTW nice videos AppSlapp, reviews of the Masada are pretty hard to find so it's appreciated that you took the time to share this ;)

appslapp March 23rd, 2009 16:12

All 3 parts here:

Multikam April 7th, 2009 18:09

Whoa, that's awesome how the AEG version of Masada also features the quick removal of the barrel assembly!

Conker April 7th, 2009 19:03

You've had it for some time now, what do you think of its reliability? Are the internals somehow durable?

Amoki April 8th, 2009 02:29

appslapp: would you be nice enough to make a reassembly guide? I took the mechbox completely apart, rebuild, and now having trouble putting them back in particularly around the sprocket/selector area. Not sure where I've gone wrong :mad:

Commanche: With the Masada that I have (got it from Hong Kong)
1) Air nozzle to cylinder head air-sealing is good. Air nozzle is SR25. Cylinder head is standard M4.
2) Gear is over-greased but okay. Standard Chinese steel gear so if you got your mechbox fixed up right they'll last a while.
3) Piston-head air seal is poor . If you can't find the o-ring(s) for the piston, you'll need to completely swap out the piston and the piston head OR the cylinder because their piston head screw-on design is... unique. =/
4) spring guide is crap. Anything more than 320FPS it'll be a good idea to swap out
5) BAD stock shimming, you'll definitely need to reshim.
6) stock motor is crap.
7) anti-reversal latch and trigger spring pops up easy during reassembly

Didn't chrono the gun stock, but the spring tension is similar to a PDI 130% (370FPS). At about 70% the length.

The tappet plate is a wee bit thicker than usual. Not sure whether I'll classify it as "reinforced" though.

Will need to get my lower receiver reassembled first before I look into the hop-up unit. But I suspect as with most ACM guns the barrel needs a clean and the hop-up sleeve either cleaned or replaced.

The mechbox shell itself is not too bad and build thick, but strips very easily. It's not very "hard" either (scratch easy - not a good sign of mechbox durability especially on a Version 2 gearbox). If you plan on going 400FPS and above you'll probably want to buy a JG Version 2 mechbox from RSOV (Red motor + new Systema mechbox shell copy) and swap over the air-nozzle, IMO it's not worth buying the individual parts and try to make them work on the stock gun unless you're on a budget.

nro_delta April 8th, 2009 02:49

I want one !!!

Amoki April 8th, 2009 08:41

Never mind I manage to get the mechbox back into the lower receiver. The levers/sprockets/whatever you call it does take a fair bit of wiggling around. :banghead:

Stock barrel is dirty - definitely needs to be cleaned before use.

Hop-up is 2 piece - not too impressed, as 2 piece hop-up unit is much easier to leak air then 1 piece hop-up. That said, they are using a SR25 nozzle so hopefully leaked air is kept to a minimum.I believe someone from manage to mod his Masada to take a Systema hop-up unit?

Hop-up sleeve is, interesting, similar to the Element hop-up rubber design.

Still trying to figure how to take out the inner barrel.

- very nice externally
- internals need to be fixed, particularly shimming.
- diassembly and re-assembly pretty annoying.

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