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Sindagon October 29th, 2008 13:50

Battery for CA M15A4

I have a Classic Army M15A4 Carbine and internally it is stock, nothing is upgraded or untouched. With it I bought a Sanyo 9.6v 1700mAh battery and have been using it for some time now, roughly onc a week since mid August. Anyways I was worried if using a 9.6 battery will damage my motor or my gearbox since it is not the CQB and doesn't have 7mm bushings but 6mm being a stock gun. Should I switch to 8.4 volt. On the manual it says 8.4 is recommended.

What do you think??

Thanks in advance,

Crunchmeister October 29th, 2008 13:54

I have the M15A4 rifle. Other than the spring, piston head and cylinder head, all the internals are stock. I run a 9.6V 3800 mAh large battery that gives it a monstrous 22 rps rate of fire. Haven't had the slightest issue with the gun after an easy 10 000 rounds since the upgrades, and an easy 20 000+ before that.

Sindagon October 29th, 2008 14:01

so no need to switch to 8.4?

Amos October 29th, 2008 16:38

and 8.4 will be easier on your internals... (How much easier may be completely negligible)

I prefer 8.4's to 9.6's myself... but that's just because I like the lower rate of fire.

Kos-Mos October 29th, 2008 18:46

No damage will occur.

I run 12v batteries on stock internals (almost, changed the nylon bushings of a TM to metal ones and 400 fps spring. Stock gears, motor, everything else)

No damage.

So I guess you will be ok.

ToTaL_oWnAgE October 30th, 2008 00:44

He he... I have a 9.6 4200Mah in mine. Tight fit and only needs to be recharged like once a month. Get's one kick a** ROF though! Did someone say overkill?

808 October 30th, 2008 14:05

I use an 11.1V LiPo on stock CA Internal (M15A4), and it runs great. No signs of wear yet also.

incrediboy729 October 30th, 2008 15:20

I have the ca m15a4 and i use an 8.4v to cause the least amount of wear. Just IMO.

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