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pieman10123 September 22nd, 2008 19:53

Aftermath MP5-tactical
I have recently seen this gun pop up in buyairsoft, bass pro, and my local store. It looks like a nice gun and would like to know if anyone knows anuything about it? It is made by the same people that made the legendary Kraken sooo I want to know what you guys think? Marui compatible? What type of thread?

thx for any replies.

Skladfin September 22nd, 2008 19:56

no experience with that particular one but the previous MP5 they made was major shit

Crunchmeister September 22nd, 2008 20:00

It's 100% TM compatible. However, they've been deemed pretty substandard compared to the Krakens. If you have the money and knowhow to. But for that price of the gun plus what you'd need to do to it to make it a workable, reliable gun (assuming you're 18 and can get age-verified), you could start off with a nice JG MP5 that's black and of far better quality.

And if you're not 18, then any airsoft gun you get will spontaneously implode in your hands, so you're best off not to get one.

pieman10123 September 22nd, 2008 20:03

dont worry i am 20 just had my birthday

Crunchmeister September 22nd, 2008 20:13

Then you should meet with an age-verifier and get access to the Buy & Sell here on ASC where a whole new world of airsoft awaits you - none of this half-asses clearsoft garbage.

etd September 22nd, 2008 22:02

"Sub standard to the Kraken"... ??? Um no... two people mentioned their opinions... a good 10 went against it... The MP5 Tactical is just as good, if not better... FPS is higher, rate of fire is higher.... Accuracy is better... the only problem with the gun is the selector switch is easily broken.. I just crazy glued mine back on. I have both of these guns before a flame war starts.. the AK is getting dusty... I'll say that.

Grudge September 22nd, 2008 22:32

I love this gun. I've fielded mine and it was great. Tok it apart to paint the clear useing the TM video form SO its basically the same as a TM MP5.

Flea-ish September 22nd, 2008 23:02

use the damn search function.

That is all.

T-Hell September 22nd, 2008 23:27

There is a few places I have commented on the Broxa Evolution so I will not type that stuff again please search for them they are out there I know..

enough to say Very good solid gun... Accurate (for an MP5) with my scope i can hit a quarter sized target at about 50-60 feet no problem

kalnaren September 23rd, 2008 09:14


Originally Posted by T-Hell (Post 824584)
i can hit a quarter sized target at about 50-60 feet no problem

Somehow I doubt that.

Blackthorne September 23rd, 2008 09:19


Originally Posted by T-Hell (Post 824584)
i can hit a quarter sized target at about 50-60 feet no problem

Shit. Kal beat me to it.

kalnaren September 23rd, 2008 12:45


Originally Posted by Blackthorne (Post 824909)
Shit. Kal beat me to it.

He must have those new homing BB's I keep hearing about.

Either that or he doesn't realise that one shot out of 30 on full auto in zero wind doesn't qualify as "no problem".

Crunchmeister September 23rd, 2008 13:14

A quarter at 20 feet, I can buy. Any decent airsoft gun can do that. At 50-60 feet, good fucking luck even with a finely tuned sniper rifle.

There seems to be a higher report of problems with the MP5 than with Krakens, which is why I qualified it as substandard compared to the Kraken. The Kraken is a surprisingly great gun for a cheap clearsoft. The MP5 is average for a gun in that price range. It could last you for 10s of thousands of rounds, just like it could implode on the first mag.

But like I said, with a bit of preventative maintenance in the form of opening the mechbox, cleaning out the brown goop they call lube, reshimming and regreasing, you can have a really reliable gun. While it's apart, change the hopup rubber too, and then you've got a decent gun.

Grudge September 23rd, 2008 14:00

So have any of you guys putting down the Broxa actually used it, or is it just your amazing psychic powers that allow you to review a weapon without using it?

Once you have used it maybe then I'll listen to you comparing it to another weapon.

I personaly have one and it kicks ass. It is very accurate, 3" group at 50 feet consistently. 400FPS does that. With a good battery it has a great rate of fire as well.

And considering it has a CYMA v2 mech box, its a good as the Kraken, and will fail just as easily as any other AEG with a v2 mech box.

G.Sgt Marty September 23rd, 2008 14:56

Right On Multitech! It just seems some people put down Clearsoft cause they are so afraid that once that "Anti Airsoft Bill" is finaly past, that all they will be able to get for guns will only be Clearsoft in Canada. And they are so afraid that Clearsoft guns might be, or already are better then their "Ober upgraded and over priced" guns they own now! I own A Kraken AK47 and its great, and I also own a Swiss Arms Sig 552.....And they both came as half Clearsoft with alot of metal parts! Both rifles shoot awesome and both are TM friendly. With a good Camo paintjob and accessories on them, they look and work just as good as every other Airsoft gun out there.

Just dont judge a book by its cover, or ull find out that it might be better then what u have.

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