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Mr.Planters September 10th, 2008 21:03

ready to drop 5K
Hey guys, it's been a while since I sold my guns due to a motorcycle accident, I am now fully recovered, and well, just a telephoto lens I never used, and well, I now have 5K to invest in airsoft. I am looking in the most accurate system there is, and willing to drop a significant amount money into it.

I used to play with a TM AUG and a KJW p226. and I am not looking at a sniper configuration, doesnt matter if its a springer, aeg, gas. I thought about my configurations possibilities:

-G&G SR25 OR.. G&G M4A1 W/ full VLTOR receivers
-mk12 modO shroud & outer barrel
-systema full tune up kit professional m150
-Sanyo 8.4V 3300mAH
-harris bipod
-larue front and rear flip sights
-mapgul PRS stock
-system 6.04 tight bore barrel
-guarder ops 264mm silencer with QD
-a mojji 3-9x50 scope (looks great)
-falcon ergo target grip (psg-1 style)
-guarder enhanced triger guard
-psg-1 trigger adjusment

it should look somthing like this...

so that was I was thinking about for a nice sniper config, please tell me how I can this accurate as I can.

is there any better internals upgrade I can fit it, rember, money isnt an object for this one


Spike23 September 10th, 2008 21:06

Wow thats a nice gun =)>

SDS_ShooterMcGavin September 10th, 2008 21:06

You could most likely make one exactly like that. I remember Tokyo Seven had bad things to say about those stocks if I remember correctly... But really if you have the money you can make a AEG exactly like that. If money is no thing.. Buy a Systema M16, Mk12 SPR conversion kit, the different pistol grip and stock! I'm not sure if they make Systema VN type mags though?

Brakoo September 10th, 2008 21:09

I'd say go with a tighter barrel and considering the upgrades you're putting in you should go with at least a 9.6v battery. Personally I'd stick with the AR platform so that way if you want a short gun as a backup you can go with a CQB M4 and run on the same mags.

Auklin September 10th, 2008 21:12

good luck :)

Ronan September 10th, 2008 21:15

For 5 grande get a PTW and mod it with the RS parts of what you want. You can still go airsoft versions for the flip up sights and scope to save a bit. The mojji scopes are excellent for their prices :)

cbcsteve September 10th, 2008 21:15

Yay welcome back to Airsoft and it is good to see you made a full recovery

I have to say I am grateful another person has survived a motorcycle accident, my friend was also seriously injured and it was hard to see him go through it, but he made a full recover too.

Once you get verified there are still some people who do custom orders on the BuySell so you can definitely get what you want, some ship faster than others some take forever but for sure you will get what you want

Brakoo September 10th, 2008 21:17

I forgot to mention as far as the backup go stick with one of the more recent Marui model, that's either 1911, P226, Hi-Capa or MEU.

FOX_111 September 10th, 2008 21:19

Get a PTW.
If not an option, a TM G36 should be a good starting gun to upgrade into a powerfull, acurate AEG that is still resistant and reliable.

SDS_ShooterMcGavin September 10th, 2008 21:20


Originally Posted by FOX_111 (Post 815109)
Get a PTW.
If not an option, a TM G36 should be a good starting gun to upgrade into a powerfull, acurate AEG that is still resistant and reliable.


Drache September 10th, 2008 21:25

create a SAM-R! :D

airborne1 September 10th, 2008 21:33


trevor September 10th, 2008 22:25

why wouldn't you get a PTW that comes pre-built to withstand the 150 set up. You could also look into another upper if you ever wanted to play with a shorter setup.

Amos September 10th, 2008 22:29

G&P SAM-R sounds like something you'd like...

Drache September 10th, 2008 22:38

Heres my current G&P SAM-R setup although I'll be swapping a few things like the pistol grip and such.

For more pics of my SAM-R as well as a few other people's:

Here's stock G&P USMC SAM-R info and picture:

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