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StRiCkEn April 8th, 2008 05:48

SCAR-H Mags?
I'm looking to buy a VFC SCAR-H, but I haven't been able to figure out what kind of mags are compatible, I don't recognize them.

Anyone give me a hand? I did a search and heard a few people mention SR-25 mags... Still unsure though.

Blastyman April 8th, 2008 09:28

Hopefull it will be compatible with the SR-25 but still a chance it could be its own mag.

Information is not clear. But once the gun is released I guess we will all find out.

StRiCkEn April 8th, 2008 09:56

Alright well, thanks. The release date is sometime around next week iirc?

Firewalker April 8th, 2008 11:34

It would be SR-25 mags. 100% on this.

Now... The issue would be whether or not these mags are compatible with other guns, or other guns mags' are compatible with the SCAR-H.

For example, you have a G&P SR-25 and you want to get a SCAR-H so you can share mags. Would they fit (using scar mags in the sr-25 or vice versa)? Don't know.

StRiCkEn April 8th, 2008 11:47

Alright thanks for more info. Guess I should probably go L. Love the H variant but mags might be a bitch, and a lot more expensive than standard M4 mags.

Well like you guys have said, only time will tell. I'll have to wait and see.

SEALs April 8th, 2008 12:03

This one is tricky cause the G&P mags dont fit my G&G GR-25, I know cause I got ordered some G&P's for my G&G and they dont fit unless you modify them. As for the CA has its own mag aswell IIRC.

Firewalker April 8th, 2008 15:00

Well, I'll be happy if VFC makes it G&P compatible (which is the only SR-25 anyone should ever get anyway). If not, then I'm going L.

I'm probably gonna go L anyway, just to have mag compatibility with my team, but I, like the OP, prefer the H variant.

Thorazine September 8th, 2008 21:08

Bump, anyone make metal lowcaps for the star scar H yet? :(

SDS_ShooterMcGavin September 8th, 2008 22:02

Its in French though.

bleaches September 8th, 2008 23:30

hasn't the gun been out for quite some time now? at least that's the standpoint from Taiwan. cuz when i went back this time most of the stores had the VFC SCAR-H. also on the military show they were showing it off along with a prototype sniper variant that on the real gun never made it into production. its basically made to take the contract for the USSOCOM Mk11 SPR. however never made it pass the cut. in short, its just one long mofo (incredibly long receiver), and heavy too when i felt it at the show.

this gun in the back

as far as the mags go G&P SR-25 mags are compatible, just the fitting is a lil tight due to the thick paint that are generally on the G&P's

i hope this helps :D

MrEvolution September 10th, 2008 14:57

Doesnt the Scar H run on M14 mags? or am I completely wrong on that.

El Cactus Loco September 10th, 2008 17:35


in other news, i have a SR-25, and comparing it to a pic of a airsoft scar h mag, the hole in the side (for the mag catch) looks higher on the scar mag.... i dunno take a look for yourselves

Danke September 10th, 2008 18:57

Chatter on Arnies has the VFC SCAR-H (or Mk 17 if you're a cool kid) running a unique magazine that is right now only available as a Hi-Cap.

Some of the other brands of SCARS will accept M-14, or SR-25 but you'll need to follow up on each individual brand and type to know for sure.

swatt13 September 10th, 2008 20:05


Thorazine September 10th, 2008 22:45

I was pointed in the direction of plastic 74 rounders... would be awesome f I could get metal ones, though. I need mags compatiable for STAR SCAR-H. Kinda suprised KA hasnt made any yet.

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