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anonymouspunk2 February 21st, 2008 15:15

AK-47 Wood kit help
I recently bought a wood kit for my JG tactical AK-47 and I was wondering if other wood kits had the same problem I did.

Here's the wood kit I got:


The wood feels really light and kind of brittle. It's sturdy enough to endure a couple of games though.


I had a lot of problems.:banghead:

The first problem that appeared was that the packaging that it came in was just in an ordinary box, no bubble wrap, nothing. I thought to myself "Ok no big deal". I'm not sure if all wood kits are supposed to come with a butt plate for the stock, but this one sure didn't.

The picture provided by the store didn't match what I got, the handgrip is absurdly fatter and rounder, and the wood is significantly more red.


When I started installing the wood kit, I started noticing irregularities all over it. Some parts just didn't fit or were horribly mishapen. So I got out a knife and started shaping it correctly. Once I got that done and put it on, I noticed the top part of the front receiver was loose while the bottom one was tight, and the lines on the front receiver didn't match up.

I thought to myself again "no big deal". The stock was the real problem, there were no holes where I could put the screws in, and no butt plate, and it was about 1-2 inches longer than the standard AK stock.

I had to end up drilling holes everywhere and when I put it on I noticed that the stock wasn't symmetrical and was a bit lopsided.

For the butt plate, I ended up breaking an old one (standard AK buttplate), drilling a hole in the butt of the stock, and screwing it on. It's incredibly wobbly because only one screw was used to screw it on. I couldn't find a place for the second screw to go on.

The handgrip didn't fit at all

Yeah so I'm wondering if other wood kits are as complicated to install, like the King Arms one, cause I was thinking of getting that one sometime later...

Or if anyone has any advice that I can use to kind of fix it up (especially the buttplate), that'd be nice.

TokyoSeven February 21st, 2008 15:24

Well honestly, I would contact the seller and complain.
Ive never been a big fan of evike.

namloot February 23rd, 2008 18:57

I am in the middle of a total TM AK47 upgrade/rebuild. I looked at wood kits for a while and wound up saying "nyet"; I wound up buying a King Arms OD plastic furniture set for it (I can see the purists puking now).

I want my AK to look distinct. With the OD furniture, a G&P metal body/front set kit, a side rail mount and a Belarus made, real steel scope mount, it will :) Besides, the OD has the practical benefit of helping to break up it's outline in the field.

I didn't get a wood kit for a few reasons.

First, the problems you are experiencing I found to be common (different color wood and fitting problems). Stock wobble was also a common complaint.

Reports I read seem to indicate wood kits are not very durable, having a high rate of cracking and splitting (how many AKs have you seen with the wood taped up?, yep). The finishes on some of them are said to be low quality, and discolor and stain easily. I play hard, and I want something I don't have to baby.

There are also problems with battery capacity. The unmodified G&P wood kit is supposed to take an 8.4v large battery. I had the opportunity to play with one of these kits at my local airsoft retailer and an 8.4v large was a project to get in the stock. Then you have to fit the 2 butt screw retention plates in the back of the stock and thread the 2 butt screws in them. I was in a well lit retail store, on a glass counter, and I had trouble putting the battery in. I can't imagine doing it in the field.

As for my King Arms OD set, I had to file off about 1/16 of an inch off the front of the top foregrip cover to make it fit; Not a problem, it and the other pieces fit really tight now. The plastic stock is caverness, and the butt plate screws directly into the stock into metal threaded inserts. The screws are longer then the stock screws, and are finer thread (they should not come on by themselves). An 8.4v large battery fits with plenty of extra room. I can also fit a 9.6v 3000mah nunchuck battery (from my son's G&P M4) in it. It looks like one of those 9.6v large AK batteries should also fit (though I haven't tried one yet).

I searched for weeks, and posted on several forums during my wood stock information quest, and didn't really get a lot of feedback about this subject. Hopefully this might help someone.

Red Alliance has the most information on wood kits and AKs in general:

No question, a good wood kit on a good AK looks great, but IMHO, is not the most practical option for an airsoft AEG.

Amos February 23rd, 2008 19:04


Originally Posted by namloot (Post 651842)
I want my AK to look distinct.

... Like everyone else with OD furniture and rails on their AK?

namloot February 23rd, 2008 20:19

Yeah, there are a lot of them, but WTH :) The plastic furniture is practical.

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