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DrakeHighlander February 18th, 2008 04:34

Quick question concerning Glocks.
Could someone tell me which Glock variants have front rails, if any of them do? Thanks in advance.

The Acer February 18th, 2008 04:40

i have a KJ Works Glock 23, very popular, has rail on the front, but extremely hard (almost impossible) to find a threaded barrel for them,
i recomend the KJ Glock 23,

CDN_Stalker February 18th, 2008 11:37

Only the TM G17 springer doesn't have a front rail, all others do.

Goodl2ussian February 18th, 2008 12:10

G17 G18 G19 G23 G26 G34
uhhh....what else... fuck it what CDN said lol everything except the shitty springer.

RacingManiac February 18th, 2008 12:28

TM G26 don't have front rail(where as their G26 "Advance" does), I think KSC G26 also don't have front rail, but not 100% on that....

Goodl2ussian February 18th, 2008 12:47

yea my bad meant the G26 Advance

Jughead February 18th, 2008 13:01

Yes, the TM Glock26 Advance has a front rail and is a great shooter.

I have one and loved it.

DrakeHighlander February 18th, 2008 13:51

So just to clarify, a KSC Glock 18C does have a front rail?

Styrak February 18th, 2008 13:59


CDN_Stalker February 18th, 2008 18:33

Yes, and a lightweight frame. Is funny, I spent a good chunk of last week working on a KSC G18C with a metal slide, and the entire gun weighs close to the same as the frame (no slide, barrel, recoil spring) of my KSC G19.

RacingManiac February 18th, 2008 19:40

G19's HW frame is by far the nices GBB plastic frame that I've felt.....wish TM's Glock feels like that...

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