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Griffin December 24th, 2007 21:31

My Small Collection
My humble spin with a PTW!, hoping to replace the clone CASV with a Omega 7.0 DD sometime in the new year. I still need to grab a rear sight the ARMS #40L RS is on its way but, I doubt I will see it until the new year. The TM Hi-capa is stock so far expect inner barrel which is a TanioKoba twist. Hopefully soon I will be able to add some nice Shooters Design items to it.

Oh please excuse the pictures :(, the good digital camera is being fixed after the baby decided to submerge it in the dogs water bucket.

Wilson December 24th, 2007 21:41

Sexy. I'm torn on the PTW - just seems too much money to dump into airsoft all in one place like that... but damn, I want one.

Maybe just a CA with Systema internals will do well enough. lol

Griffin December 24th, 2007 22:02

If I had not gotten a very good deal like I did I would not be owning one right now.

Lakonian December 24th, 2007 22:15

Have I told you you're a bastard? Well, you are. That's a gorgeous set-up.. How's the magnifier treatin' ya?

Oh, and you're missing a rear BUIS ;)

Griffin December 24th, 2007 22:22

I like the the magnifier a lot, just need a flip mount and Ill be happy. Yes I know :(, until like yesterday I just could not find one I liked clone wise. Than stumbled upon a US ebay seller selling the ARMS ones RS. I also need to get a slightly thinner washer for the clone Vltor flash hider so it sits just right on barrel.

leblanc74 December 26th, 2007 03:45

hey dude,

that set-up looks familliar :)

glad to see that you were able to post your collection.... and good luck on that Omega rail, if you need help on that one you know what to do... if my ARMS SIR does not get throught customs, I will also get the Omega so maybe we could combine our order and try to have a better deal along with shipping cost...

before getting a real mount for the 3X Mag, I have on order a Samson Quick Flip Mount for 3X Magnifier...once I receive it, I will let you know how's the fit...

Griffin January 11th, 2008 18:10

Some updated pics of my TM 5.1 all dress up now!

manchovie January 11th, 2008 18:17

is that a car seat? nice btw, i've always liked v12s

Griffin January 11th, 2008 18:21

LOL no its my computer chair used for the photo session.

Huge January 11th, 2008 19:41

That's an awesome PTW setup, kudos to you

RacingManiac January 11th, 2008 19:49

nice, I like that Hi-Capa....does the SD Springfield slide also have the bushing groove or not?

Griffin January 11th, 2008 21:03

If your referring to that grove on the underside of slide to help you remove the bushing/guide rod when disassembling than yes. Now to look noobish if its not that could you explain which groove you mean thanks.

KEVORKIAN January 11th, 2008 21:25

I believe it does have the slot for the SD least the one I had did!

Very nice Griffin...

6ft4 January 11th, 2008 22:07

nice collection!!

Griffin January 11th, 2008 23:56

Thanks for the replies! The 5.1 is basically done just needs a few additions. I was thinking a SD bushing kit, than getting the Nineball metal hammer housing. Of course I need to add a new trigger, and than change the hammer but, thats going to have to wait.

Need to say big thanks to Kevorkian, he was a huge help when it came to the few issues I had with the 5.1. If your upgrading your 5.1 and need help defiantly send him a PM.

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