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grizzlykoala November 28th, 2007 01:44

Metal body shipping (yes I know!)
cobra airsoft claims to separate pieces of a metal body and ship separately to avoid seizures. My question is: has anyone tried this and succeeded? I don't want any pontification about why I shouldn't do it - I just want to know if anyone has tried it and it has worked or not worked.


Rukus November 28th, 2007 02:40

Sounds a little weird to me. Though anything like that is at your own risk. I'm pretty sure customs would catch on. They aren't that stupid.

BBS November 28th, 2007 03:35

i'm sure there has been a few successful attempts smuggling restricted items into Canada; but also there has been way more confiscations of metal bodies, fines, and blacklisting, and perhaps imprisonment done by customs.

go and weigh it out. realize the opportunity cost.

companies like that just want your money, they clearly state they aren't responsible to what ever happens the gun.

leblanc74 November 28th, 2007 03:47

but the company will be responsable, actually both parties are...if caught, both parties will get fined and blacklisted...

Skruface November 28th, 2007 08:09


Originally Posted by grizzlykoala (Post 583237)
*international drug cartel* claims to separate *individual grams of cocaine* and ship separately to avoid seizures. My question is: has anyone tried this and succeeded? I don't want any pontification about why I shouldn't do it - I just want to know if anyone has tried it and it has worked or not worked.


Fixed. Just because you break an item that is illegal to import into smaller peices does not make it less illegal. Sure, I guess in our WalMart society someone has broken the rules to save a few bucks and not gotten caught - our border security isn't 100% effecive. Why don't you try it out and let us know how it works out for you?

You do realize that CBSA has agents that read this board, right?

Cushak November 28th, 2007 08:58


Originally Posted by grizzlykoala (Post 583237)
cobra airsoft claims to separate pieces of a metal body and ship separately to avoid seizures. My question is: has anyone tried this and succeeded? I don't want any pontification about why I shouldn't do it - I just want to know if anyone has tried it and it has worked or not worked.


I think (from what I've heard here, and if Customs followed it to the letter) you'd get the upper reciever, but not the lower. AFAIK, it's the lower reciever that's restricted.

Don't quote me on that.

Oh, and retailers will tell you anything to get you to buy their stuff. I've been there, and I'm blacklisted now because of what some store owner told me on my trip to South Dakota several years back.

Endymion November 28th, 2007 10:08


Originally Posted by Cushak (Post 583332)
I think (from what I've heard here, and if Customs followed it to the letter) you'd get the upper reciever, but not the lower. AFAIK, it's the lower reciever that's restricted.

This is dependent upon the make and model of the real steel. For M4s the lower receiver is restricted - an upper requires no license to purchase. IIRC on an MP5 it's the upper that is restricted.

leblanc74 November 28th, 2007 14:29


Originally Posted by Endymion (Post 583356)
This is dependent upon the make and model of the real steel. For M4s the lower receiver is restricted - an upper requires no license to purchase. IIRC on an MP5 it's the upper that is restricted.

nice to know...but I am still not willing to take that chance

selousscouts November 28th, 2007 17:28

Oh, my goodness .... discussion about smuggling in the open forum..... just a few people can make everybody difficult .

Styrak November 28th, 2007 21:00


Originally Posted by selousscouts (Post 583709)
Oh, my goodness .... discussion about smuggling in the open forum..... just a few people can make everybody difficult .

It happens all the time (the discussion). It's a normal thing around here, especially with all the new people joining every day.

The Acer November 28th, 2007 21:28

ya my friend tried that sort of thing, he parted the gun completely and customs still saw the trigger guard and other parts and he had to ship it back to japan

selousscouts November 28th, 2007 23:40

Don't make your life risky to save small money. Be concious, please.... . You can be watched out.

Qlong November 29th, 2007 01:14

not to threadjack or anything, just curious if anyone has ever imported an entire gun without the body?

Naglfar November 29th, 2007 01:36

I don't understand why people can't be bothered to pay the extra $50 or so to have a licensed importer bring in metal bodies for them.
It's a for sure thing and it is completely legal.

Styrak November 29th, 2007 01:47


Originally Posted by Qlong (Post 584160)
not to threadjack or anything, just curious if anyone has ever imported an entire gun without the body?

That's completely legal, and you shouldn't have problems doing it. As long as Customs aren't being dicks, but that doesn't happen that often.

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