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elite_commando October 15th, 2007 20:14

New airsoft enthusiast!!!
hiya! , new airsoft enthusiast.. jus got into airsoft a few weeks ago, one of my friend showed me his collection, mp40, mp5, metal m4 with red dot scope, 2 sniper rifles (bolt action) and a metal gas blow back beretta and a few more handguns.. he i planning on making a team by the end of this year, originally i wanted to be a sniper with a ghillie suit and just climb up trees and snipe from there... but now.. i want to be a rifleman front lines type of player.. i originally want to go for the

Classic Army G36C
with this magazine

but one of my friends recommended the

Classic Army G36K

now i am in a predicament.. he told me the g36K is better then the C varient,
i want a good accurate rifle at long distances but also good for close quarter combat and support fire, he also told me if i want to upgrade the gun i should go with "SYSTEMA" upgrades..:confused: ... what should i get???:confused:

Styrak October 15th, 2007 20:17

First of all, you're not planning on buying that gun from that store, in the US are you?
Second of all, don't buy a C-Mag and slap it on an assault rifle and run around, thatg's douche-y and most of us play realistically with real mags (60-120 rounds).
Thirdly, make up your own mind about what you like, we're not going to decide for you.
Fourthly(?), don't upgrade your gun. You are new and a stock gun is fine. For damn sure don't try doing it yourself.

Amos October 15th, 2007 20:20


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 555158)
First of all, you're not planning on buying that gun from that store, in the US are you?
Second of all, don't buy a C-Mag and slap it on an assault rifle and run around, thatg's douche-y and most of us play realistically with real mags (60-120 rounds).
Thirdly, make up your own mind about what you like, we're not going to decide for you.
Fourthly(?), don't upgrade your gun. You are new and a stock gun is fine. For damn sure don't try doing it yourself.


This guy knows what he's talking about.

Most places in Canada won't let you just play with a just a Cmag, Here in manitoba you need to heavily mod the gun to have the properties of realistic machine gun.

Pizza_Pie October 15th, 2007 20:23

Are you 18?

TokyoSeven October 15th, 2007 20:26

Well honestly, I say you purchase whatever gun you choose and keep it with its stock parts. Play with that gun for a season to get the feel for it before considering upgrades.

As it stands both of those G36 varients operate with the same V3 style mechbox, the only diffrences would be the bodies on the outside and the barrel length. So you may have a diffrence in the grouping of your BBs at a distance between the two. All AEGs essentially work the same, a battery that powers a motor that drives gears to move a piston that compresses a spring. Upgrades are good an dandy to change your ROF and your FPS but keep in mind that upgrades will in the end will effect how long your guns lasts. Even with quality parts, a mechbox wont last forever, it will just take longer to break.

Kokanee October 15th, 2007 20:30


Posting a "hey L33T newbie thread" in the general section?;

To add onto Tokyo7's info;

The G36K is a better all-around variant for general skirmishing. It's longer barrel length will give slighty better groupings. But I did purchase a TM G36C back in the day when they were "the shit" (like the kids say!) and brand new, and even with it's shorter barrel it was fine for outdoor use as long as you were willing to get a little closer to your OPFOR.

elite_commando October 15th, 2007 20:32

18 this wednesday:D

k , so
1# no upgrades,
2# no cmag
3# no US store???:confused: noting that the exchange rate is the same right now...

y not US store.. my friend bought his M4 and his ak74 from thats store, so far he hasnt had any problems..

and im applying for my firearms license in about 2-3 months.. dont feel like applying now.:p

so the g36K?? my friend says its more accurate and has better range, i read the Faq for the last 5-8 min and i noted that longer barrel = better range and accuracy.. i guess i will be going for the G36K.....random question is classic army good???

Amos October 15th, 2007 20:34


Originally Posted by elite_commando (Post 555171)
18 this wednesday:D

k , so
1# no upgrades,
2# no cmag
3# no US store???:confused: noting that the exchange rate is the same right now...

y not US store.. my friend bought his M4 and his ak74 from thats store, so far he hasnt had any problems..

and im applying for my firearms license in about 2-3 months.. dont feel like applying now.:p

so the g36K?? my friend says its more accurate and has better range, i read the Faq for the last 5-8 min and i noted that longer barrel = better range and accuracy.. i guess i will be going for the G36K.....random question is classic army good???


ancorp October 15th, 2007 20:36


Originally Posted by elite_commando (Post 555171)
18 this wednesday:D

k , so
1# no upgrades,
2# no cmag
3# no US store???:confused: noting that the exchange rate is the same right now...

y not US store.. my friend bought his M4 and his ak74 from thats store, so far he hasnt had any problems..

and im applying for my firearms license in about 2-3 months.. dont feel like applying now.:p

so the g36K?? my friend says its more accurate and has better range, i read the Faq for the last 5-8 min and i noted that longer barrel = better range and accuracy.. i guess i will be going for the G36K.....random question is classic army good???

NO US store, yes. Your friend got lucky. A firearms license has nothing to do with airsoft.

Classic Army is good.

Kokanee October 15th, 2007 20:36


Originally Posted by elite_commando (Post 555171)
...random question is classic army good???

CA is a fine brand, so long as you or someone you know is able to open the mechbox and replace the piston assembly w/ a stock TM one. CA pistons are famous for self-destructing within 1000 rounds.

If you get age verified you can shop here on the classifieds section and probably score a better deal.

twsmith October 15th, 2007 20:40

I didn't see where you were from in your initial post. Don't buy from US stores, unless you live in the US. :)

ancorp October 15th, 2007 20:40

Fill out your profile mate.

skalnok October 15th, 2007 21:23

the g36 is posted is a g36 not a g36k lol

Jackie Boy October 15th, 2007 21:32

B'ys, just help the guy out.
You all were like this at some point.Your probally just turning him away from airsoft with your ignorance.

Styrak October 15th, 2007 21:55


Originally Posted by Jackie Boy (Post 555226)
B'ys, just help the guy out.
You all were like this at some point.Your probally just turning him away from airsoft with your ignorance.

Obviously you didn't read my post, the very first post after the original.

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