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huang September 15th, 2007 18:04

Dboy's AK74U - ACM Gun of the year?

Wood frontset, steel body. steel flash hider, steel sight

Penguin September 15th, 2007 18:18

how much :|

surebet September 15th, 2007 18:19

Probably not that much...

ancorp September 15th, 2007 18:35

Around 100-120 USD.

:( :( :(

I also hear good things about the upcoming Unicork AKS-74U. All steel/wood. Has a more proper color on the pistol grip too.

$135 US at RussianmaniaWorkshop.

O, Canada!


Kokanee September 15th, 2007 19:05

w/ the current situtation regarding the limited amount of importers, that will be jacked up to $450-$500 easy. But still a pretty good deal considering it's all metal, assuming that the internals are decent. Dboys has also released the AK74SU under the "Kalash" brand name, perhaps signaling that they want to seperate this product from their main brand name. Whether it because the product itself is subpar, or much much better than usual for them, necessitating the brand spinoff remains to be seen.

Ref the unicorn; I've seen the unicorn eotech 552 replica and the QC on it was complete bullocks - so I don't have alot of faith in their ability to build a complete AEG that is reliable at this time.

ancorp September 15th, 2007 19:13


Originally Posted by Kokanee (Post 537265)
...But still a pretty good deal considering it's all metal...

Steel, not just "monkey metal" like many all metal guns. It can be blued, and you can club people with it with more confidence.


Originally Posted by Kokanee (Post 537265)
w/ the current situtation regarding the limited amount of importers, that will be jacked up to $450-$500 easy...

Not too long ago the ASC Armoury had TM AKs for that price, and those things go for double the price of these. I bet they could have had these for about $300-350. :(

Ronan September 15th, 2007 19:45

Man i want a AK74 now... between this little sexy thing and the CA all steel one.... mmm

Lakonian September 15th, 2007 19:54

I'd sell my G36 for this. Without a doubt.

ancorp September 15th, 2007 20:41


Originally Posted by kos (Post 537278)
I'd sell my G36 for this. Without a doubt.

Agreed, I'd sell off almost any of my AEGs.

Moz September 16th, 2007 02:11

I do have a CM031 I'd love to trade for a G36c*, But I'd totally go with this thing instead. The Goldeneye factor is too great. KF7 action, baby.

*(don't even ask until my age verification goes through)

ancorp September 16th, 2007 07:32


Originally Posted by Moz (Post 537411)
I do have a CM031 I'd love to trade for a G36c*, But I'd totally go with this thing instead. The Goldeneye factor is too great. KF7 action, baby.

*(don't even ask until my age verification goes through)

LOL, I doubt Kos would trade anyway. I believe his G36 is a TM or some other high end brand, and either way, he already has a much nicer ICS AK-74M :D

Skruface September 16th, 2007 10:30


Originally Posted by Kokanee (Post 537265)
Ref the unicorn; I've seen the unicorn eotech 552 replica and the QC on it was complete bullocks - so I don't have alot of faith in their ability to build a complete AEG that is reliable at this time.

I do believe I read on one of the "bargain" HK-based sights (rsov, gunner's, or RMW) that the Unicorn model was in fact a body kit, and that the "complete guns" were assembled in the shops using internal parts from Chinese clones.

Ah, here it is:

and confirmation from a second source:

The only thing that really bugs me is that with AKS74U models or kits now available from VFC, CYMA, Boyi, Inokatosu, Guarder and Unicorn, it's become the M4 of non-armalite weapons - everyone and their dog will have what was once a pretty unique piece.

Lakonian September 16th, 2007 11:02


Originally Posted by ancorp (Post 537455)
LOL, I doubt Kos would trade anyway. I believe his G36 is a TM or some other high end brand, and either way, he already has a much nicer ICS AK-74M :D

My G36k is a Star. Very high-end, very hard to find. And yes, the ICS is my babeh. Hence why I'm trying everything in my power to keep her, and make 'er CQC ready.

Shit, at even 450, who can resist a FMU...correction FSU AK folder?!

Fidget11 September 16th, 2007 12:07


Originally Posted by ancorp (Post 537254)
Around 100-120 USD.

:( :( :(

I also hear good things about the upcoming Unicork AKS-74U. All steel/wood. Has a more proper color on the pistol grip too.

$135 US at RussianmaniaWorkshop.

O, Canada!


the unicorn ak74 has got consistantly very good reviews on arnies from those who are into the chinese guns. i know if one was to appear here i would certainly put my money down on it. someone who imports into canada needs to bring them in.

ArmaliteWhore September 16th, 2007 20:51

If that thing is steel and wood and costs 120 USD it must have REALLY bad internals.

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