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dark_angel9703 January 18th, 2007 13:13

Finding BDU's
Hello, does anyone know where I could find some BDU's in and xsmall short? I like marpat and ACU as well as Us multi cam but right now anything will do. Any help with this issue would be great as I have searched the net too many times and found nothing...errrr! LOl! :banghead:

Greylocks January 18th, 2007 13:21

Why did you post this in the FAQ instead of the Gear section?
Did you email the gear retailers with your request?

bug January 18th, 2007 20:24

the young lady is new we are sorry for the inconvenience, we will help her, to find the proper chanels.

thanks graylocks for being patience.

Mongoose January 18th, 2007 21:42

Thanks for the Info. Greylocks. I forgot to tell the wife where to bad.

SDU_Eric January 18th, 2007 23:28

email me at I am in Calgary and can help you out with multicam stuff.... as for other bdu's check seals action gear... they do online orders

Greylocks January 19th, 2007 06:21

No problem, just ask a moderator to move it. For the rest; army surplus stores, and the gear retailers list. Also the Wanted classifieds could be a good place to look.

swatt13 January 21st, 2007 00:33

angel, check the discounts thread in our team room. call crown surplus and ask, or even pm 204hoe from 204 tactical.

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