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Cortex December 18th, 2006 19:24

Seals Action Gear VS ???
Well, Seals has a store in my city (Calgary), but all their stuff is rather expensive (I'm guessing because its the real deal stuff). I need to get some good CADPAT TW combats, I'll probably get the pants and shirt/jacket from Seals, But is there anywere to buy CADPAT vests and stuff? Seals doesn't have any...

Hades December 18th, 2006 19:39

neil555688 December 18th, 2006 19:46

i think harresons has some. they are right across from Chinook

vatek December 18th, 2006 20:13

Why are you only limiting yourself to CADPAT gear?

OD will work pretty well with CADPAT, and there's LOADS of OD gear around.

I've had great service from

swatt13 December 18th, 2006 21:28

what about crown surplus!? micheal is the best guy to buy stuff from, hes supper friendly, supper helpful.. honest and has loads of surplus and replica gear. you can get a cadpat vest from him no problem, and hes the cheapest. harrisons is ok, but theyre arent helpful at all. i walked around their stroe to buy boots, bdus and a vest a while back and the guy was too busy bsing with some ragtag skids in teh about shnopps and other favorite drinks rather than helping a paying customer. i carryed several items to the counter and place them by the till, he looked at me and the stuff and continued to gab. so i looked around some more came back same deal, so i said fuck you ill never come back.

crown is sweet, i like that its all real deal surplus stuff. i got some combats with the sergent patches still attatched. a team mate bought a helmet with a bullet hole in it, combats with bullet hole in em, thats cool. he also has brand new combats and vests, but i like that used shit, its gnarly knowing some real soldier wore it before me. (website kinda blows) thyre right across from kanes harley davidson down by the old molson brewery.

i think overall ive bought 90% of my gear from crown now. i usually only go to crown first, seals second (if i cant get it at crown) then look around on asc for it.

Cortex December 19th, 2006 12:27

Well, I have some OD combat pants and shirts, from Cadets... They fit, But I also really like the look of CADPAT gear, I'll probably end Up getting a CADPAT vest and wearing it over my OD stuff for now...

CDN_Stalker December 19th, 2006 12:58

IMHO OD works much better over cadpat bdus than cadpat nylon gear. The nylon cadpat looks kinda odd colourwise compared to the cloth.

BTW, the cadpat that SEALS sells is made by Frontenac. At least it's what they used to sell, dunno if they went with another brand recently. I got the info about the brand from John about 3 years ago when I was e-mailing him regarding the cadpat boonies.

Cortex December 19th, 2006 18:21

I'm right in assuming that I can't order straight from Logicorp or who ever makes the CF stuff right? You need to be in the CF to do that, and then its illigal to wear it to airsofting events right?

SovietHippie December 19th, 2006 18:34

Correct, and Logicorp only makes the Parade uniform from my understanding. (correct me if I'm wrong)I believe it was Peerless Garments who makes the Cadpat.

Cortexburn December 19th, 2006 18:39

Hmm, I've always found Crown to be rather overpriced. Nice little store...but overpriced.

Rockincj December 19th, 2006 18:51

Not sure if their prices are the same as SEALS but its good stuff.

I own a custom vest from them, pretty sweet.

swatt13 December 20th, 2006 13:52


Originally Posted by Cortexburn (Post 397170)
Hmm, I've always found Crown to be rather overpriced. Nice little store...but overpriced.

i couldnt confirm or deny that, between the 3 stores tho (crown, harrisons and seals) crown is definatly the cheapest. when harrisons first opened they matched and even beat most of crowns prices, but that only lasted for a few months now they are a good 15-30$ more on everything than crown. seals... well they have an excuse because its real gear, but they are pretty expensive. i was going to buy a ruck sack from them but it was $270, i went ot harrisons, they didnt even have one, and crown had the EGSACT one i was looking for for $140 and he gave it to me for a $100... thats also the thing with crown, the more you go there the better the prices get lol.

i hightly reccomend them. but ya thats in the clagary area, prices might be better in red deer but we dont have much of a choice down here lol.

Math202 December 20th, 2006 14:46

You can also check out 204 Tactical.

Cortex December 22nd, 2006 16:19


Originally Posted by Rockincj (Post 397179)

Not sure if their prices are the same as SEALS but its good stuff.

I own a custom vest from them, pretty sweet.

I'm set on buying a used version of the Tactical Battle Vest that they sell in CADPAT :) I should be getting it after christmas.

Rockincj December 23rd, 2006 15:43

Sweet. Glad the link helped and those vests are awesome, youl love it :D.

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