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Swatt Six-Four October 15th, 2006 23:15

Airsoft Predator?
Just wondering if anyones built an air recon airsoft RC Predator? I rember when I was a kid there were kits (built mostly out of styrofoam) I was thinking it could add to a game as a prop that could "crash" during mission after flying over a large sector of the feild so everyone knows what it looks like. You could even have a halt in some info for a team until recapture is complete. Just thought it would be kinda cool.

Gryphon October 15th, 2006 23:34

I've thought about this. I saw a radio controlled helicopter toy that was very easy to fly and had a real-time webcam on it that transmitted the image back down to Earth. Don't recall what it was called but it was very cool, around a thousand bucks and manufactured in Saskatchewan. It would make a great reconaissance tool or objective for teams, provided there was a competent pilot for them to "commandeer".

The main issues I see with R/C aircraft and airsoft are twofold.

1. They can be very dangerous. The prop's spinning at thousands of RPMs and could cause injury if it hits someone, not to mention the blunt force of being struck by an object that large.

2. How do you prevent idiots from shooting at it? :p

Jake October 16th, 2006 00:18

This is pretty cool:
YouTube - R/C airplane with Pilot teddy bear HDV video
Plane with camera

RC Helicopter
Helicopter with camera

tunabreath October 16th, 2006 01:47


Originally Posted by Gryphon (Post 366536)
I've thought about this. I saw a radio controlled helicopter toy that was very easy to fly and had a real-time webcam on it that transmitted the image back down to Earth. Don't recall what it was called but it was very cool, around a thousand bucks and manufactured in Saskatchewan.

Was it the Dragonfly? I believe that was the original name, but there are plenty of alternate monickers floating around. It has 4 props arranged in a square, gyro stabilized, and a freefloating webcam on a boom.

Gryphon October 16th, 2006 09:42


Originally Posted by tunabreath (Post 366579)
Was it the Dragonfly? I believe that was the original name, but there are plenty of alternate monickers floating around. It has 4 props arranged in a square, gyro stabilized, and a freefloating webcam on a boom.

Yes, that's it! Very neat little toy, I'm seriously considering buying one for airsoft ops as a possible admin-operated asset. Team captures "helipad" and an admin flies it around for them as aerial recon. Just have to make sure that everyone is advised of the consequences of shooting at it. :p

Nuck October 16th, 2006 15:12

whats next, is someone going to build a model aircraft carrier and put it in a puddle? It'll make for good SEAL deployment scenarios

Swatt Six-Four October 16th, 2006 19:46

What I was more thinking of was a cheap styrofoam glider type RC air craft that was large and have easily repairable model. I wasn't really thinking actual recon, just large and if it were actually crash not hurt anyone.

SEALs October 16th, 2006 21:09

saw that on ebay awhile ago, makes me wanna buy it

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