Airsoft Canada

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Spitfire August 4th, 2006 15:58

problem with a user... Dirty Sanchez
i have sold some stuff to a user from here... he must give mi 190$ for it... he got the stuff 13. of july, but he didnt pay yet...
i also wrote him a pm, but he didnt reply... i see him sometimes in msn messenger, mostly he is "away"... if he is online, he doesnt reply...

what can i do?


NuttyHunter August 4th, 2006 16:00

Don't send things until money is recieved. *in the future*


Freedom Fighter August 4th, 2006 16:07

Who did you send these things to exactly? If you don't want to post his information publically, then send it to me via PM.

Spitfire August 4th, 2006 16:11

@nuttyhunter: thats what i actually do... but he wanted cod, that didnt work for canada... so he said he's gonna pay as soon as he gets the package...

@Freedom Fighter: Check PM :wink:

foxtail August 4th, 2006 16:12

I think you might just be pooched.

Unless there is a user who is in there area that would be willing to be caught in the middle of things.

Spitfire August 4th, 2006 16:14

what is pooched? dont understand that word...

foxtail August 4th, 2006 16:15


Spitfire August 4th, 2006 16:29

hmm... seems 2b :cry:

Glock 18 August 4th, 2006 16:35

Money before merchandise, Simple rule.

Spitfire August 4th, 2006 16:44

i know this rule... i actually deal only with this rule... but once i make an exeption, im already pooched... :-(

Sgt_Lynch August 4th, 2006 17:11

You might want to sell locally. Canada is kinda far to be sending shit from Switzerland.
Don't you have anyone over there looking for Airsoft?

Lisa August 4th, 2006 20:54

Honestly? go public. leave negative feed back. otherwise you're protecting him and everyone else is looking at becoming a victim.

losttourist August 4th, 2006 21:38

Sorry to hear about this. Hope he pays up .

Dirty Deeds August 4th, 2006 21:41


Originally Posted by Lisa
Honestly? go public. leave negative feed back. otherwise you're protecting him and everyone else is looking at becoming a victim.

Exactly, and possibly some of us may be able to apply some pressure if they are known to us.

Identity August 4th, 2006 22:09


Originally Posted by Spitfire
hmm... seems 2b :cry:

Whats his adress that you sent the items too maybe we can get a few guys here to mess him up.

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