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stokes August 2nd, 2006 03:17

GearBox or Motor? Problem...
I am sorry for making so many threads but Ive been trying to fix this problem and I have no one to turn to.

When I installed a EG1000 motor (new) to my newly custom made m4a1... switch to Semi auto and press the trigger (which pulls all the way back). The piston does not move. Nothing moves basically and no sound is coming out from the motor.

By the way this is an systema complete mechbox equipped with an m120.

What I do notice is a burning smell from the motor. So I take out the motor away from the pistol grip connect it to the mechbox and test it, it works.

I really do not know what the problem is.

I am using a 3300MAH 9.6v battery. So I believe more than enough juice is running to the motor.


Could the motor be fried? Lost its power?- WHen the motor was first installed it was running fine. It was until the metal disconnect female wire plug piece snapped in half and reinstalling the motor is when the problem began.

I have also noticed the Red wire being very long. Making it very hard to install the motor plate.

*** Please help... I am in desperate need to make this gun work!***

Thanks alot! :cheers:

Blastyman August 2nd, 2006 05:16

Sounds like your having a problem getting proper motor placment and likely due to the red wire.

You have to carefully make sure the wire clears the hole the motor pinion gear goes thru and then run the wire up on the backside of the grip in the shallow channel area.

Before you put the motor plate on push the motor up and down with your finger. does it move freely and spring back and forth?

If it does things are looking good. If it doesn't then the wires are causing it to bind up. and you will have to rework the wiring until you get it right.

this is a common problem on Armalites with esp with stock TM grips.

I have sometimes fought with those wires for and hour just to get it to work right. And sometimes it works ont he first try.

Sgt_Lynch August 2nd, 2006 11:08

I hate binding.... like REALLY hate it!!!!!

stokes August 2nd, 2006 15:59

Thanks for the advice guys... any more ideas? :salute:

Mantelope August 2nd, 2006 16:08

Motor connected improperly, trying to spin the wrong way?

stokes August 2nd, 2006 16:10

I believe I connected the motor properly. Thanks though.

ILLusion August 2nd, 2006 17:17

That still sounds like the gears not meshing properly.

Things to check:

1. Teeth on ALL gears: pinion, bevel, spur & sector. Make sure all connecting teeth are not worn down in any way.
2. Remove the piston, spring, tappet plate and spring guide and install JUST the grip and motor on to the gearbox. Run the gearbox. See if the sector gear spins at all or not.
3. Screw the motor height adjustment screw ALL the way in. Hand tight. Try to run it. It should not be able to turn at all. The motor might click, but you should not get any whirring. DO NOT HOLD THE TRIGGER FOR LONG. Just tap it to see if it moves. If it still moves, then you don't have the motor height adjustment disc in place, resulting in the motor STILL sitting too far away from the bevel gear. FIND THE DISC.

stokes August 2nd, 2006 17:34

Thanks Illusion! For the advise...

stokes August 2nd, 2006 19:12

Hey all! Turns out the the King Arm Grips did not have enough clearance for the EG1000 motor and that long red wire. CHanged the grip to a Gaurder one and it is not shooting like a beast... Thanks all for your help!

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