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-   -   Which is better? a WA xcelerator limt. or A TM Deagle hard kick? (

pvted July 31st, 2006 22:22

Which is better? a WA xcelerator limt. or A TM Deagle hard kick?
After months of searchin thru many GBB's i finaly came down to these 2 beauties. But still i can't damm find which one is better, all i heard of is that WA Xcelerator limited's are basically for looks and don perform as well, and TM Deagle's perform really good but lack in apperance. but rite now i kinda want the WA. i serched thru many forums thrying to find whats so bad about the performance in WA's but most only say that the slide will break/crack and poor seels, I need more deatails lol.

Greylocks July 31st, 2006 22:51

Did you read this?

Droc July 31st, 2006 22:53

both are great for shelf trophies, but neither make good skirmish guns.
take a look at the thread greylocks suggested.

pvted July 31st, 2006 22:55

That clears things up again lol thank u greylocks for your help again!

pvted July 31st, 2006 22:57

I heard that KSC's are preety good for skimrishes, but it's just that the look of their GBB's are kinda weak to me.

Greylocks July 31st, 2006 23:02

Go to a game and see them. Try them. Then make up your mind instead of looking at pictures.

hattrick July 31st, 2006 23:03


Originally Posted by Droc
but neither make good skirmish guns.

Dont know where you got this from......TM deagle is just about THE best (stock) feild gbb

pvted July 31st, 2006 23:07

yeah tru but it might be hard to find the WA xcelerator limited though

Droc July 31st, 2006 23:18


Originally Posted by neir

Originally Posted by Droc
but neither make good skirmish guns.

Dont know where you got this from......TM deagle is just about THE best (stock) feild gbb

after reading some of your recent posts, you clearly dont know what your talking about.

the Deagle is big, front heavy, akward to aim, nearly impossible to holster, and if holstered, its a terrible draw.

compared to guns like KSC glocks, TM hicaps and TM sigs, your deagle isnt up to par.

use your brain before you quote me :smack:

Renegade) July 31st, 2006 23:32


Originally Posted by neir

Originally Posted by Droc
but neither make good skirmish guns.

Dont know where you got this from......TM deagle is just about THE best (stock) feild gbb

...Next time atleast state what your basing this on, Droc is 100% right, Hicapa, SIG, Glock are THE most fielded guns out there, simply because they perform, and outperform any, and now I quote you, "stock" Desert Eagles out there...

Next time, read some information, get some personal hands on experience before you post a bias opinion and step over a veteran airsofter.

hattrick July 31st, 2006 23:38

The size of the deagle cannot be changed, if you buy a deagle dont plan on keeping it in the same pocket as your car keys. ( its not a given? )

And for the record. I havnt ever shot a TM deagle ORR A tm 5.1 i dont know what the im talking about. Never been to a game, havnt spent countless hours on gbb's.

Just talking a big pile of shit.

(shows what you know)

hattrick July 31st, 2006 23:42

While on the topic lets look at the thread, the person asking the question, the way i quoted you, (god knows how you took offence from that) and finally the chances this kid will be able to fit metal parts into his gbb if he cant read for more than 10 minutes without his A.D.D kicking in...

Droc August 1st, 2006 02:10


Originally Posted by neir
The size of the deagle cannot be changed, if you buy a deagle dont plan on keeping it in the same pocket as your car keys. ( its not a given? )

And for the record. I havnt ever shot a TM deagle ORR A tm 5.1 i dont know what the im talking about. Never been to a game, havnt spent countless hours on gbb's.

Just talking a big pile of shit.

(shows what you know)

claiming the deagle is "the best" skirmishable GBB is outright rediculus. It may be a good gun, but there are far better guns out there.
many other guns pack as much punch, better accuracy, faster cycle time, better balance, more managable size and weight and tatical useage.
The deagle may be a cannon, but it doesnt take long to get past its movie style hype and realize that its use on the field gets overshadowed by more pratical guns such as hicapas, sigs, glocks and even the M9. The real one is not much more then a paperweight, and the airosft one is less then pratical on the field and especially for indoors or as a backup for a primary.

Your oppinion is fine, but its yours...Thats why we see so many experienced players hitting the fields with deagles(lol, yah right).
I take no offence from what you said, but dont question "where I got that from"

Sgt_Lynch August 1st, 2006 04:39

Best Skirmish gun I ever owned:

It's an old WA Wilson HiCap CQB. Infact, it's 10 years old this year. Too bad they dont make it anymore because I'd really like another one. It's been dragged through the mud, through rivers, fell out of a tree... and it's never let me down. I can't say the same for the other 5 GBBs I own. It's also the design TM used to make the new HiCappa, so I would assume they are comparible in quality/reliability. The only parts that has been replaced is the slide because the old plastic one was so chewed up it looked like tree bark. Other than that nothing has ever needed to be fixed or replaced.

As for the DE concept. Hollowpoint is the only guy I know who used it with any regularity, and he was 6' 2" tall and 280lbs... so it worked for him. Personally, I couldn't stand the thing. I got a M203 for the 'howitzer' factor instead .


Autumn August 1st, 2006 13:16

If you want looks and performance I suggest getting a TM Hi-Capa. It is an excellent gun out of the box, as far as performance is concerned and it won’t break your wallet. It is rather plain looking though, but it’s not bad. The good thing is though there are many, many aftermarket parts and upgrades for it.

You can start off with a stock TM Hi-Capa and slowly buy upgrades and parts for it until you have a highly custom and sharp looking gun. The picture Sgt_Lynch put up is of a very similar gun, which sadly is no longer in production. Though you can expect to see very similar looks when finished upgrading a Hi-Capa, if that is the style you choose.

You will also get a lot of valuable knowledge out of installing the new parts, which is not to hard if you have any mechanical inclination.

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