Airsoft Canada

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kalashnikov July 29th, 2006 19:41

Kinda new at airsoft, I was looking at guns and I foudn this within my budget. Its the TM G36C. Anyone have this gun? Is it worth buying or there a better one for under 500$??

MyMac11 July 29th, 2006 20:15


Droc July 29th, 2006 20:24

look around the gun discussion section. check the "best aeg" thread.
this question gets asked every day. We dont like spoonfeeding info, take the time to do a search.

Rumpel Felt July 30th, 2006 01:16


Originally Posted by kalashnikov
Kinda new at airsoft, I was looking at guns and I foudn this within my budget. Its the TM G36C. Anyone have this gun? Is it worth buying or there a better one for under 500$??

The CA one is a bit better. Around 500 bucks too.

Read reviews.

Deathcom4 July 30th, 2006 02:07

i have one but i don`t want to sound like im spponfeeding you you have to do reaserch on the gun the tmg36c is a cqb type gun thats all im gonna say

Greylocks July 30th, 2006 09:42

Get age-verified, and then start to read.

^Hyperion^ July 30th, 2006 16:31

Just check the Best Aeg thread. Everybody that bought the G36c say it's the best gun they ever handled and played with. From there , make your own opinion

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