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blueballz July 3rd, 2006 07:21

how much distance will i get if i installed a ak-47 titebore onto my TM commando m733
hey whats up everybody! i was thinkin of puttin a longer inner barrel onto my TM m733 so i can get better accuracy and distance. i heard of ppl puttin a ak47 and adding a silencer to cover up the titebore ...but how much distance will that give me over the stock barrel??? if anybody know of any suggestions...or answers please reply .
i basically wanna install a longer titebore but dunno which one yet...(most likely the ak47 jus becus i heard of somebody else doin that on a m733) is this the right thing to do , or should i get another titebore??


BC_K July 3rd, 2006 07:51

You wont gain that much if your using a stock spring. Good ball park figure would be bout 5-15fps and perhaps 15ft more range with a bit more accuracy.

I'd highly suggest the Prometheus 6.03mm tightbores. Also make sure your barrel doesnt wobble inside the metal outer barrel, that bit of free play is what causes your shot inconsitency.

Tho, IIRC, Kokanee on this forum deals or did deal with 6.01mm tightbores.

You can find all informantion regarding the 6.01mm tightbores right here.

Just be sure to use high quality bb's with it. I as well as MANY others will recommend Airsoft Elite brand bb's.

Also, be sure to pair your tightbore with the appropiate cylinder so the volume of air being sent through your barrel matches the barrel length. Tho I've found, I get optimal performance, range and accuracy with AK47 length tightbore's, when I pair it with a Type-0 cylinder (M16/Aug - 500-509mm barrels.)

If you have any further questions feel free to send me a private message and I can guide you through the entire barrel upgrading procces.

I hope my information is of use to you.

blueballz July 3rd, 2006 17:37

thanks for your help! i have a guarder sp120 spring in there rite now and is shooting around 397fps. but i was told that if i put in a longer inner barrel, i can get more distance even if it didnt increase my a ak47 that shoots 397fps, will get more distance than my m733 that shoots 397fps becus of the longer barrel...true or false?

oh, and if i did, get a ak47 inner, what size silencer will i need....200? so u say get the type-0 cylinder eh?

Droc July 3rd, 2006 18:35

your post makes my brain hurt.

but, like any FAQ, or hundreds of other threads will tell you, a longer inner barrel can slightly increase your range.
if your asking if a long gun(ak47) will outrange a short gun(733) that shoots the same range, then yes...thats why people use rifles instead of handguns.

blueballz July 3rd, 2006 19:13

thats what i thought...but why is sooooo many ppl from other forums telling me that my range will not increase much other than what 10-20 fps will give me....they say its just more of a accuracy thing. they said fps equals more distance..but your (droc) saying that longer innerbarrel equals more distance which sounds more you know approx. how much extra distance i will get? im just tryin to see if its worth spending $100

Droc July 3rd, 2006 19:33

why spend $ can get them for much less.
they are only really worth it if you really need it since the increase is very little. i cant say how much distance, but prolly not more then a few feet.

blueballz July 3rd, 2006 21:50

can anybody else verify that a longer innerbarrel will add range to my gun other than range i will be getting from the 10-20fps increase. cus with the 10-20fps increase ..thats only like 10 ft. extra range. i was hoping that if i installed a longer innerbarrel, i would get sumthing like 30ft.

droc, this is what the person said from another forum....
No. Only FPS dictates distance (and hop-up; but it's going on the same gun so that doesn't matter).

"So even a gun with a 110mm barrel shooting 400 FPS, and a gun with a 550mm barrel shooting 400 FPS will go the exact same distance. The gun with the longer barrel will be more accurate."you wont get more range, you will get more *effective* range.

Greylocks July 3rd, 2006 21:51

Or you can go to the obvious solution; buy a gun that is built to have the range you want instead of forcing a small gun to do the job?

And the person giving you advice on the other forum is clueless.

Major Clay July 3rd, 2006 21:56

AK's shoot like lasers stock....dont fuck around with the inner barrel. If it comes to accuracy however use the new BB bastard BB's the groupings are awesome with my stock ak and my 170 ak, without a tightbore.

CDN_Stalker July 3rd, 2006 21:57

Learning to shoot helps too. How do real steel shooters get more range from their guns? They aim higher to compensate for bullet drop. Why have I gotten kills at 150ft with my 365fps MP5 using 0.25g BBs? Because I aimed 2ft over the guys head, fired a quick burst and hit him. Simplest way to increase range is to treat it like something that shoots projectiles. Ever try a pea shooter, blow gun or other? When you shoot at something farther way than normal, lengthening the pea shooter/blowgun and still aiming like it's only 30ft away won't do you much good. Aiming higher to compensate for gravity is the only cheap way to do it. I recently added a new barrel to my MP5, 330mm instead of the stock 229mm, my fps went up 20fps, the range didn't change at all. Then again, I know how to shoot my guns (I get 130ft kills with my G19), so I don't notice these things much anyways, just how the BBs fly.

Droc July 3rd, 2006 22:00


Originally Posted by blueballz
droc, this is what the person said from another forum....
No. Only FPS dictates distance (and hop-up; but it's going on the same gun so that doesn't matter).

if that was true, a 300fps M16 would shoot the same distance as a 300fps MP5k
and thats not the case.

Tarkus July 3rd, 2006 22:19


Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker
Learning to shoot helps too. How do real steel shooters get more range from their guns? They aim higher to compensate for bullet drop. Why have I gotten kills at 150ft with my 365fps MP5 using 0.25g BBs? Because I aimed 2ft over the guys head, fired a quick burst and hit him.

I wonder what's the impact velocity at that distance though... chances are the guy won't even feel it unless he sees BBs bouncing over him.

*note to self* Mmmm, should test this when I get the chance.

CDN_Stalker July 3rd, 2006 22:22


Originally Posted by Tarkus

Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker
Learning to shoot helps too. How do real steel shooters get more range from their guns? They aim higher to compensate for bullet drop. Why have I gotten kills at 150ft with my 365fps MP5 using 0.25g BBs? Because I aimed 2ft over the guys head, fired a quick burst and hit him.

I wonder what's the impact velocity at that distance though... chances are the guy won't even feel it unless he sees BBs bouncing over him.

*note to self* Mmmm, should test this when I get the chance.

Sometimes they do if they are paying attention, heavier BBs hit harder. Want fun, try heavy BBs in your GBB and see how much your range improves, and what the impact of them is. You will laugh cuz it's so cool!

blueballz July 4th, 2006 18:47

thanks for everybodys input. your knowledge is greatly appreciated. hay cdn stalker, what happens when u put heavier bbs into my gbb?? are you being sarcastic, or is there really sumthing cool about it. ur also kidding about the improving range part with heavier bbs right?

Mantelope July 4th, 2006 18:58

He speaks the truth. Try it for yourself.

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