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Amazing KG3 June 13th, 2006 19:28

ehobbyasia okay for mags?
I want to buy a box of star mags, and a CQB vest form ehobbyasia, can i get the magazines over the border or is that risky? Also do you need t odo this through ebay, i can do paypal but not ebay, no credit.

wey ferro June 13th, 2006 19:30

you should be able to for both, i have gotten pistol mags

SHaKaL June 13th, 2006 19:31

I ordered mags 3 time from them, never had a problem with them. Just dont order mag with fake bullets and you should be alright

Gryphon June 13th, 2006 19:35

See FAQ Section for importation sticky.

LUTNIT June 13th, 2006 19:49

Some people have told me that they got mags (without fake bullets in em) siezed by customs when ordering from ehobbyasia. It was just that particular customs officers bad day. I've ordered four times from em, still waiting for the most recent order, but two of my 3 previous ones had mags in em. Metal AEG, plastic AEG, and GBB mags, no problems so far. The box did have the "opened by Canadian customs" yellow tape all over it though but nothing was missing.

Yeah, a box of STAR mags + shipping + duty < Canadian price for the same box

bigbiscuit June 13th, 2006 20:13

I've ordered metal ak mags from them. no problem.

Gryphon June 13th, 2006 20:16


Originally Posted by LUTNIT
Yeah, a box of STAR mags + shipping + duty < Canadian price for the same box

Not necessarily. eHobby jacked their shipping rates in the past few months and it's no longer as profitable to buy from them, but depending on what retailer you're talking about it is a bit cheaper.

Amazing KG3 June 13th, 2006 20:29

well at ehobby, its like 41.99 US plus 21.00 for shipping for 8 100rd locaps. 007airsoft has 10 30 rd locaps for 100 bucks. But i hit a hitch. The page only says they ship t othe states! :???:

SHaKaL June 13th, 2006 20:38

You can read cant you? I bought from them 3 times... and receive everything i ordered
They ship outside the US

Gryphon June 13th, 2006 20:41

They also use the exact same shipping rates for Canada as for the States, so there's no dicking around with finding out how much you have to pay. Very convenient.

Amazing KG3 June 13th, 2006 20:54

well i guess i can risk it. ehobby says they will refund if it gets seized as well. d oyou think i could get this over?

Gryphon June 13th, 2006 21:21

Possession of a silencer is a Criminal Code offense. You want someone at CBSA thinking that's the charge the RCMP ought to lay when they inform them you're trying to import something that appears to be one? Stay far away from this and have a dealer import it.


Danger_Doom June 13th, 2006 22:13


Originally Posted by SHaKaL
I ordered mags 3 time from them, never had a problem with them. Just dont order mag with fake bullets and you should be alright

I have ordered G36 Mags from ehobby and it came in fine.


Originally Posted by Gryphon
Possession of a silencer is a Criminal Code offense. You want someone at CBSA thinking that's the charge the RCMP ought to lay when they inform them you're trying to import something that appears to be one? Stay far away from this and have a dealer import it.

I ordered a "VFC / GB-Tech M9 KAC Quick Detach Suppressor" from WGCShop and it also came in fine.

The only time I've had a problem bringing something in was when I bought a "Guarder speeder2000 chronograph" from ehobby. All I had to do is mail a proof of pricing and it came in a few days later.

Gryphon June 13th, 2006 22:18


Originally Posted by Danger_Doom
I ordered a "VFC / GB-Tech M9 KAC Quick Detach Suppressor" from WGCShop and it also came in fine.

There's guys who have machine guns and cocaine mailed to them too. You have the spare time to spend in jail and the scratch to afford a lawyer the one time it doesn't?

Amazing KG3 June 13th, 2006 22:26

thats cool that it went through, but im with Gryphon. As I am going to enlist in police training next year, possesion of a silencer wouldnt help me out. Ill see if 007airsoft can help me out.

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