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Dan June 1st, 2006 18:13

TM M4 Problem
I have recently tried to discharge my betteries then charge them. After waiting the appropriate time for charging I plugged the battery into my gun. To my suprise, all I hear is a click. I took it apart and dicovered that the motor doesn't have enough power to turn the gears. Is this a battery problem or a gear problem. The discarger light did not go on after I heared the click, so I'm guessing it's a battery problem.

Any help would be greatly appreaciated.

Thanks alot.


666 June 1st, 2006 18:46

Is your charger compatible with battery?
Does your charger have a screen/shows how much charge your battery has?
By taking it apart do you mean pulling the motor out and trying to pull trigger when motor is not conected to gears? If you haven't tried that, do it. Maybe your motor fried. See if it spins when not conected with bevel gear.

Goldman June 1st, 2006 18:56

What charger are you using? What Batteries are you using? How long was it set to charge?

Greylocks June 1st, 2006 19:59

There's a little guide I wrote about getting help with no flames. Read it. Give us details.

Dan June 1st, 2006 21:41

I have already disassembled it and hooked the gearbox with the batter and the motor at the other end and the motor flys then winds down as if out of juice. I bought the charger and batterys from an ebay store called all battery direct. The batteries are 8.4V, 1100 Mah Ni-MH batteries and the charger was a Universal Smart Charger. I talked to the store owner and he said to try it again and that it was unusual. He also said that the charger and the batteries are compatable and the charging time is one hour. I'll try it again. Thanks again.

Greylocks June 2nd, 2006 06:28

You still did not give us the needed information;
What gun (the Brand too)?
What upgrades?
Has it been opened? (By now we know that one). Has the mechbox been opened even if no upgrades were made?
Did you read about battery care and feeding?
Do you have a multimeter to check the battery voltage/amperage?

Dan June 2nd, 2006 10:20

Yes I did give all that info.
It is a TM M4
No upgrades, it is stock
No I have not opened the mechbox
Yes I did read the Manual that cam with my battery.
My dad might have a multimeter to check the voltage in his electirc tool kit, I'm more of a woodworking type.
How long would a battery take to discharge? I have discharged the one after it was on the green trickle charge whih it was always on for. And after 1 hour or even 12 hour such as the charge last night, it still doesn't enough juice to spin the gears, just the motor and then it dies down. Im am pretty sure of a battery problem, or a faulty discharger I just want my gun to fire. Sorry if I sound Noobish. Ive spent about a month doing tests and experiments trying to get the damn thing to fire.

Dan June 2nd, 2006 11:00

I tested the battery with my dads multimeter and it showed that the battery aftyer 12 hours charging time it had only about 5% capacity charged. I'm thinking now that it is a charger problem. But anyways for help, here are the ebay items.

Sorry to be a pain. I have tried everything. Thanks again.

BloodSport June 2nd, 2006 11:06

Could be bad cells in the battery not taking a chage.

Where are you located? You should be able to find a closer retail store/supplier that you can get a second battery from (extra batteries never hurt), then try charging it up and trying the gun. If it still does not work, then you've eliminated the battery. And are stuck with either a gun issue or a bad charger. Also, if you make it out to a game, most likely someone there with experience might be able to take a quick look, and I'm sure try one of their batteries in your gun.

Dan June 2nd, 2006 11:21

Thanks so much. I am located in Barrie Ontario. Would the Source (New name for Radioshack I think) have batteries? Thanks so much. You guys are lifesavers.

BloodSport June 2nd, 2006 11:57

Contact HonestJohn, he's a retailer located in Toronto (Aisoft Canada Armoury, big link at top right of this page). He has batteries.

TheSource would not have what you are looking for, although they could most likely order one in, but they'd be more expensive.

Also there is a few players in the Barrie area, and your only about a 1 1/2 hour drive from the one of the largest player bases in Canada (GTA) although I basically consider everything from Hamilton to Oshawa up to Barrie the GTA now.... after all with the growth around there it is all going to be one big concrete parking lot in 2 years....

BB Bastard (Scarecrow on the forums here) also sells batteries and NPT chargers in the GTA area.

Greylocks June 2nd, 2006 12:22

Fill out your profile with your location. Go to the first local game/meet that you can.

If you happen to have a good hobby store (those that sell the better quality remote-controlled cars and planes), go there. The batteries are the same.

The local players will know far more resources, and may be able to fix the problem.

Dan June 2nd, 2006 12:30

Thanks for the info Greylocks. I found a guy that lives around the corner. Ill try all the stuff out and see if it works with his batteries.

Renegade) June 2nd, 2006 14:13


Originally Posted by Dan
Thanks so much. I am located in Barrie Ontario. Would the Source (New name for Radioshack I think) have batteries? Thanks so much. You guys are lifesavers.

Yeah, I work for The Source and we have some battery packs that will work for AEG's. But, like many others have said, your better to buy from an airsoft dealer like HonestJohn or any of the retailers listed on the site. That way you have one that is assured to work for ya.

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