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CR0M September 5th, 2019 22:39

Haven't played in years, I feel lost-ontario
What is going on?

1.) Checked in to see some games, and it's mostly empty.. have games moved to Facebook? Reddit? Something else? Or has airsoft died down?

2.) Is vfc not top dog?

3.) What's the Poppin camo? Is everyone still rocking multicam?

4.) Are guardians of Asgard still a team? Who's the teams in Ontario still going?

Thanks all... Trying to get back into a game or two

Desmodus September 5th, 2019 23:06

1) Games are sometimes posted here, sometimes on the ASC FB group. (This place is for the most part pretty dead aside from the classifieds)
2) VFC is still very much top dog, along with LCT
3) Multicam is still go to
4) GoA is still alive. Bunch of us still play, some are retired, some starting to come back out of retirement.

cbcsteve September 6th, 2019 13:56

You are in for quite a surprise. I played back in 2009-10, the days where there were no regular Airsoft venues and most games were invite/ASC only.

Now there are quite a few places around Ontario dedicated to Airsoft. My favourite being Siege Airsoft. You'll also be surprise to see a new class of players, the Speedsofters or SpeedQB players. See video: Basically a blend of Speedball and Airsoft together. I find there seems to be more SpeedQB teams than Milsim Teams.

Back then all those private ASC games were midcaps only. Now most players carry high caps. Of course there are those who still play with Mid caps but you'll find hi-caps are more common.

Still I have fun either way. You may hear people say "There are so many cheaters nowadays" or "People aren't calling their hits." it's fine, cause us oldies just have to teach them the "Fire for effect." rule in which we continue shooting them until they call it. Then let the refs know too :)

hollywood... September 6th, 2019 14:19


Originally Posted by cbcsteve (Post 2070375)
"There are so many cheaters nowadays" or "People aren't calling their hits."

which is pretty much why I decided to pack it in

Desmodus September 6th, 2019 14:20


Originally Posted by cbcsteve (Post 2070375)

Still I have fun either way. You may hear people say "There are so many cheaters nowadays" or "People aren't calling their hits." it's fine, cause us oldies just have to teach them the "Fire for effect." rule in which we continue shooting them until they call it. Then let the refs know too :)

Personally, I've found the quality of players to have declined. It's basically a rarity at this point now that people even stay for the entirety of a full milsim. When this place was the gatekeeper AND the educator, things were a lot different. All we can really do is try and guide the new players along the right path and the right attitude to this hobby.

I would LOVE to go back to the invite/asc only days.

BioRage September 6th, 2019 16:57


Datawraith September 6th, 2019 17:05


Originally Posted by BioRage (Post 2070383)

You forgot

CR0M September 6th, 2019 17:07

High caps? So the noobs won eh? Lol

Siege was still a thing last I left, I just never cared for cqb. Too many shots I wouldn't want to give/take.... Unless it's Picton. Is that place still hosting milsims?

BrendanL September 7th, 2019 08:32

I agree with most of the statements above. The quality of the common player has gone down. When I first started playing in 2009 it was a whole different atmosphere, especially here on ASC. These days this site doesn't see too much traffic other than the sales threads, and spammers.

cbcsteve September 9th, 2019 16:09

Yeah :( The old ways will not come back. But if you still play and you still have a tight group of friends that play as well, don't lose them! I still have a lot of fun with a group of friends I play with. Never a dull moment. And if we do spot a cheater, we Fire For Effect. Shoot all the fleshy spots until they call it.


Originally Posted by BrendanL (Post 2070399)
I agree with most of the statements above. The quality of the common player has gone down. When I first started playing in 2009 it was a whole different atmosphere, especially here on ASC. These days this site doesn't see too much traffic other than the sales threads, and spammers.

BrendanL September 10th, 2019 11:40

Couldn’t have said it better myself ^

Moz October 28th, 2019 18:42

Came back here after a decade and damn this place is a ghost town

XON50 October 29th, 2019 11:49

If you’re in Hamilton, there are two fields and shops in Niagara (Niagara Quartermaster and DMZ). Although I have left the sport for years, it seems the airsoft community here is still alive and strong.

GR October 30th, 2019 10:29

Are there any other places to look for large games/milsims?

Datawraith October 30th, 2019 11:16


Originally Posted by GR (Post 2071779)
Are there any other places to look for large games/milsims?

It's really here,, and Facebook pages of event organizers. Mostly Facebook pages now...

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