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TopGunnerz January 7th, 2019 08:36

Btc Chimera still worth it? (V3 AK)
Hey everyone, so I took a bit of a break from upgrading my guns and decided to recently upgrade my lct aks74u, and was looking at a mosfet. My original gun (lct ak74) has a btc chimera mosfet. Back in 2015 when I bought it, they would sell out in 20 minutes, and recently I saw 18 in stock at Brill armory, and saw that none of them sold over the course of the entire morning.

The alternatives I was interested in was the new Gate Titan, which I saw was a bit more expensive, and a maritime nukefet, which would be the cheaper option.

So for v3 ak gearboxes, are chimeras still worth it? Or would a nukefet/ Gate be more worth it? Any other recommendations? Thanks!

BioRage January 7th, 2019 08:44

Titans are a big gross meme,

Stock up on the Chimeras before they sell out.

Desmodus January 7th, 2019 09:20

Well, to my knowledge since we still don't have a spectre yet for V3, I would definitely pickup a Chimera if you can. I think they are still very worth it!

BioRage January 7th, 2019 10:03


Originally Posted by Desmodus (Post 2045644)
Well, to my knowledge since we still don't have a spectre yet for V3, I would definitely pickup a Chimera if you can. I think they are still very worth it!

I think you're worth it ;)

TopGunnerz January 7th, 2019 15:40

Ok, BTC it is! Thanks for the advice!

BioRage January 7th, 2019 15:46


Originally Posted by Desmodus (Post 2045644)
Well, to my knowledge since we still don't have a spectre yet for V3, I would definitely pickup a Chimera if you can. I think they are still very worth it!


Originally Posted by TopGunnerz (Post 2045659)
Ok, BTC it is! Thanks for the advice!

You'll be waiting forever

Desmodus January 7th, 2019 23:11


Originally Posted by BioRage (Post 2045646)
I think you're worth it ;)

0w0 stahppp ittttt

phloudernow January 8th, 2019 02:37

Surprisingly the V3 Chimera's sold out super fast, even though there was a big release on the non bluetooth units. V2, Next Gen Specs and Chimera's stil around from what I can see on their website at the time of this post

TopGunnerz January 10th, 2019 10:27


Originally Posted by BioRage (Post 2045660)

I think I saw this a couple of days before posting this. Between then and now only 2 have sold lol

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