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karbon January 7th, 2006 21:15

Desert Eagle Hard-Kick
I was just wondering if the Desert Eagle Hard-Kick by TM would withstand prolonged use with Propane?

I've heard of problems with the slides cracking and the like on other guns, and was wondering how well the Hard Kick would stand up.

I belive the barrel of the gun is re-enforced with metal on the inside, but I could be wrong.

Any inforamtion about this gun would be greatly appreciated.

Dirty Deeds January 7th, 2006 21:42

It is designed for "green gas". Green gas IS propane. The only real problem I've heard of on some DE's was the safety breaking, it doesn't effect the guns function, however you have no safety. I had one and the kick was, just wow.....nice.

karbon January 7th, 2006 21:52

yea, I just read the Greengas thread, lol.

I dont really care about the safety breaking. Although I havn't found a Canadian retailer that sells the hard-kick.

Dirty Deeds January 7th, 2006 21:54

Top bar of the site, you'll see a tab called "Canadian Retailers" :lol: Read the FAQ's it'll save you from getting flamed to ashes. And if you get age verified, I beleive Tru has some in stock.

karbon January 7th, 2006 22:00

Yea, I've been trying to get age verified.

Mysteryfish January 7th, 2006 22:02

Hooray for not searching.

Typing "Desert Eagle" into the search bar found at least 3 threads where this topic was discussed.

You suck.

karbon January 7th, 2006 22:14

ahh, the warm friendly support from forum natives.

wanna hug? :cheers:

Mysteryfish January 7th, 2006 22:19


I kill small animals, and put teddy bears in blenders. ARRRR!

Hugs are for people who don't have GASOLINE FOR BLOOD. ARRRRR!!!

Dirty Deeds January 7th, 2006 22:21


karbon January 7th, 2006 22:51


Osss-10 January 10th, 2006 19:38

Just a note, I found that after a bit of use with propane my DE started to get "loose". Certain parts were a little wobbly as if they were jarred around from the kick. Also the slidey part that covers the hop up came off once when I opened it... but I'm not sure if that had anything to do with propane.

It makes the kick stronger and gives more power and is cheaper... but it makes the gun stink and can do minor damage.

Generation vexed January 10th, 2006 20:06


Originally Posted by Mysteryfish

I kill small animals, and put teddy bears in blenders. ARRRR!

Hugs are for people who don't have GASOLINE FOR BLOOD. ARRRRR!!!

HAHAHHAHAHHAHA damn thats funny

yanhchan January 10th, 2006 20:07


Originally Posted by Mysteryfish

I kill small animals, and put teddy bears in blenders. ARRRR!

Hugs are for people who don't have GASOLINE FOR BLOOD. ARRRRR!!!

When you see funny colours you should stop smoking....

Dirty Deeds January 10th, 2006 20:34


Originally Posted by Osss-10
but I'm not sure if that had anything to do with propane.

It makes the kick stronger and gives more power and is cheaper... but it makes the gun stink and can do minor damage.

Propane IS Green Gas!

The TM DE HK is designed to use Green Gas, in other words Propane. Propane will not make it kick more than Green Gas, because Green Gas IS Propane.

Maybe you are thinking HFC-134a ie Duster?

Gryphon January 10th, 2006 21:28

I've created a new pic that seems appropriate for situations like this.

Feel free to use it, but save it to your own webspace. I anticipate heavy usage around these parts...

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