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AlecBeach July 22nd, 2018 16:48

Need an RHOP?
I have a few guns that I am ready to upgrade, and I'm just wondering. I've heard both sides of the rhop argument, and is it worth it? When do I rhop a gun, and when don't I?

ThunderCactus July 23rd, 2018 23:03

You rhop a gun when you want it to shoot 300ft.
You flat hop a gun if you can't afford the $45-$60 to Rhop it

There's no reason not to do it

Wilkie July 23rd, 2018 23:12

I was going to say, not really a multi sided thing. No reason not to. I know I’ll never go back.

I got Zim to do mine, I believe ThunderCactus you offer the service as well?

ThunderCactus July 24th, 2018 14:35

Started offering it again, seems a bunch of people were doing it and suddenly are not anymore. Coupled with some people charging outrageous prices for mediocre work...

MaxtheNinja July 29th, 2018 15:53

My local tech says that unless you're using .36g or higher an rhop is a waste.

APOModern July 29th, 2018 18:52

No point unless you are running .35's and above

shelcoof July 29th, 2018 23:31

Works great on 0.30g
Would not recommend anything lower

Ricochet July 29th, 2018 23:45

There’s a few different hop methods out there that work well depending on the gun type. The R-hop works well on 95% of guns and the ones it doesn’t is because their design requires a different approach. You likely have a gun that’ll effectively use it. A proper R-hop is certainly the way to go, though only some techs do it totally right. There is no reason not to do one and the hop and B.B. quality weight are your immediate go-to’s with any gun you wish to increase performance with. It’s not expensive and will help with performance if done correctly, period. Get it done. If you have the cash, buy a quality barrel as well, 6.04 or 6.03.

Zfurlong August 2nd, 2018 06:05

i have an rhop in my otherwise stock ak (a used rhop at that, done by zim) and i have a flathop in my p* m4. my ak gets tighter groupings more consistently, and i know where the bb will be in correlation to my crosshair at various ranges due to the consistency. the p* on the other hand outranges it (based on muzzle energy alone) however its not nearly as consistent. the difference in groupings at range is night and day. not bashing on the flathop, as it is signifficantly better than the stock setup in the vast majority of cases, but if money is no option, then rhop is the way to go.

Drakker August 2nd, 2018 07:00

This might simply be due to the inherent superiority of AKs in the airsoft world. M4/armalites are harder to make accurate because there's so many parts that interface together, causing more wobble everywhere. AKs are built in a different way and are more "stable." It's not that you can't make an armalite more accurate than an AK, its just more work to do so. So for the same amount of work put on an AK and an armalite, you should normally see exactly what you report here.

pestobanana August 2nd, 2018 17:37

Techs that say R Hop is not worth it are just techs that suck at R Hopping. If you are paying someone to do it, wait until you have a quality barrel because it is non transferable.

RainyEyes August 2nd, 2018 17:46

Fixed hop up peasant reporting in.

Anyone have recommendations on improving the distance and spread of a shotgun?

R.I.T.Z August 2nd, 2018 17:53


Originally Posted by RainyEyes (Post 2033762)
Fixed hop up peasant reporting in.

Anyone have recommendations on improving the distance and spread of a shotgun?


MaxtheNinja August 11th, 2018 15:21

actually, I have one bad thing to say about rhopping. My local tech doesn't rhop the standard way and his rhopps aren't adjustable for bb wieght. So it locks you down into one weight.
Other than that it's a great addition to any gun. Before I moved here I had my 416 rhopped and it performs great. Idk if it's any better than a flat hop (I'm using .3's) but it will not ever break and flat hopps might wear down.

APOModern August 11th, 2018 15:27

I would have someone do it for you before you learn to yourself. Run heavy ammo and you won't regret it. Lowest I ran was .32s and it was just fine. Just don't run .25s. Not a whole lot to it.

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