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Peachyclean December 16th, 2005 15:51

Worst Airsoft Injury Ever
Whats that worst and most painful shot you've ever attained from another person shooting you?

HGI December 16th, 2005 15:56

I didnt get shot but I've seen people get their teeth broken and I've seen people trip and land on their faces.

GMTII December 16th, 2005 15:59

First game I ever played, I got shot right on the top of the head with landens (cortexburn) sniper rifle...I remember it was bleeding a bit, but my hair covered it up.

GMTII December 16th, 2005 16:00


Peachyclean December 16th, 2005 16:01

wow broken teeth, never witnessed those incident- might wanna wear mouthgaurds from now on :)

Erik that must have hurt :p

Peachyclean December 16th, 2005 16:02


Originally Posted by Erik_james

Originally Posted by HGI
I didnt get shot but I've seen people get their teeth broken and I've seen people trip and land on their faces.

I didnt see this happen but I heard someone got a tree branch through their hand. I'm glad I wasnt there when it happened either.


Like pierce through!? OWWW!

odp December 16th, 2005 16:04

Yeah, that was at the first Calgary Westcan. Didn't see it happen, but saw the result.

Peachyclean December 16th, 2005 16:06

Gotta purchase those metal plated gloves. That would be good for protection.

Kimbo December 16th, 2005 16:06

Got shot nearly point blank in the front tooth (the one with a $1000 crown on it :eek: ) the bb broke in two and one half lodged itself inside my bottom lip.

Peachyclean December 16th, 2005 16:08


Originally Posted by pivot
Got shot nearly point blank in the front tooth (the one with a $1000 crown on it :eek: ) the bb broke in two and one half lodged itself inside my bottom lip.

HOLY CRAP! man that sucks. How much did that cost to repair?

Will a Balaclava prevent those kinds of injuries?

kirley_x December 16th, 2005 16:10

Peachyclean December 16th, 2005 16:12

Alrite after seeing those pics a mouthgaurd, gloves and a balaklava is a must. Those are serious especially teeth injuries.

FOX_111 December 16th, 2005 16:12

balaclava won't protect much. Maybe prevent the skin from breaking, but not welting.

Just close your mouth and you most probably won't break any tooth.

Peachyclean December 16th, 2005 16:15


Originally Posted by FOX_111
Just close your mouth and you most probably won't break any tooth.

That sounds like a good idea :p any of you guys wear mouth gaurds?

Brian McIlmoyle December 16th, 2005 16:17


Originally Posted by Peachyclean

Originally Posted by pivot
Got shot nearly point blank in the front tooth (the one with a $1000 crown on it :eek: ) the bb broke in two and one half lodged itself inside my bottom lip.

HOLY CRAP! man that sucks. How much did that cost to repair?

Will a Balaclava prevent those kinds of injuries?

short answer, no

long answer.... maybe... depends on the actual orientation of the shot.

Tooth breaks.. of which I have witnessed one.. and suffered a little chip myself ...ocurr on direct shots to the teeth.. a belaclava over the mouth will reduce the chance of such a shot.. but I have received bleeders through a belacalva.. and so it stands to reason that a direct shot to the teeth through a belacava can still damage teeth.

There are many types of belaclavas.. really thin ones to next to nothing.. good thick stretchy ones offer more protection.

I now wear a cut down paintball mask most of the time.. with a belaclava underneath... for the close in engagments at TTAC3.

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