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kudougw May 20th, 2018 02:52

AEG fire on release of the trigger?
Hi guys
I have seen other's aeg that fires on both the pull and the release of the trigger, how is it done? what kind of mosfet is needed in order to achieve this?


Danke May 20th, 2018 11:37

Why would you want that? Too much effort to double tap?

Seriously; could you come up with a more unsafe idea?

surkon May 20th, 2018 13:08

It's called a binary trigger. And it's made its way into the real steel world. Only natural to have it trickle down into the airsoft world.

cetane May 20th, 2018 13:10

Gate Titan might be programmable for that...

Danke May 20th, 2018 16:37


Originally Posted by surkon (Post 2024761)
It's called a binary trigger. And it's made its way into the real steel world. Only natural to have it trickle down into the airsoft world.

Yeah it's a workaround for civi's who can't access full auto firearms.

Not an issue in airsoft and on the field having the weapon fire 2x like that is flat out dumb and for some players it's dumb and unsafe.

So you press the trigger and the guy calls hit. What do you do next, smoke check him?

It's violating the intent of Cooper's rules and if you want full auto you've got that. If you want a shot gun or 2-3 round burst you can get that too. Painting yourself into a corner with dead man trigger is dumb.

To recap, this is a dumb idea.

surkon May 20th, 2018 18:56

I share your thoughts Danke. A binary trigger really doesn't add anything to an airsoft gun, besides the possibility of an oopse. But that being said there are some silly fire selector modes already out there. My titan has a possibility for a 10 round burst. Seems silly.

I also just checked my gate titan app and binary doesn't seem to be an option... for now.

kudougw May 21st, 2018 00:52

i appreciate all the inputs, however please stick to the topic, I just wanna know how it is done? what kind of mosfet or trigger is necessary to make such trigger/function.


Datawraith May 21st, 2018 12:30


Originally Posted by kudougw (Post 2024776)
i appreciate all the inputs, however please stick to the topic, I just wanna know how it is done? what kind of mosfet or trigger is necessary to make such trigger/function.


Part of the topic is not just if it could be done but if it SHOULD be done. What Danke said is a valid concern; this is a safety issue for those you are playing against.

What do you do when you pull the trigger and immediately a "no duff" is called? You are unable to release the trigger without firing a round, which is where the safety issue lies. What happens when you pull the trigger and they call hit? Where does that second round go? Into the person that called the first hit? Why are you shooting somebody again that already called their hit?

It'd be completely irresponsible to implement such a system. There are ways of increasing your trigger response and rate of fire in ways that don't cause such safety issues. I have such a build in my rifle using 10:1 gears and a BTC Spectre where I have full control over the amount of rounds I put on a target, whether it just be one round or I need to rip somebody at 30+ rps in semi-auto.

I advise you take a more appropriate approach to achieving what you want instead of this current one of using a binary trigger.

kudougw May 21st, 2018 14:59


Originally Posted by Datawraith (Post 2024786)
Part of the topic is not just if it could be done but if it SHOULD be done. What Danke said is a valid concern; this is a safety issue for those you are playing against.

Maybe I was misleading in the 1st post, Im not gonna build one. I am purely coming from a technical/curiosity perspective, I have seen it, and I would like to know if any body knows how it was done, thats it.


Originally Posted by Datawraith (Post 2024786)
What do you do when you pull the trigger and immediately a "no duff" is called? You are unable to release the trigger without firing a round, which is where the safety issue lies. What happens when you pull the trigger and they call hit? Where does that second round go? Into the person that called the first hit? Why are you shooting somebody again that already called their hit?

It'd be completely irresponsible to implement such a system. There are ways of increasing your trigger response and rate of fire in ways that don't cause such safety issues. I have such a build in my rifle using 10:1 gears and a BTC Spectre where I have full control over the amount of rounds I put on a target, whether it just be one round or I need to rip somebody at 30+ rps in semi-auto.

no duff called? switch to safety while holding the trigger? or even pull out the battery? I dont know man, I havent think that far yet, maybe let the 2nd round go to the air when some 1 calls their hit?


Originally Posted by Datawraith (Post 2024786)
I advise you take a more appropriate approach to achieving what you want instead of this current one of using a binary trigger.

I appreciate your advise, all I want to know is how it was achieved, its like when you see some1's new weird rifle and u want to ask around for the brand/model, you are not necessarily gonna buy one for yourself right?

ThunderCactus May 21st, 2018 17:28

most mosfets; reprogram the unit so it sees an off single as a single shot as well.
poor idea in practice though. Firstly, it's 2 shots per trigger pull, so technically it's not semi auto, it's 2rnd burst.
So you can't use it anywhere you'd be limited to semi-auto. Which leaves games that allow full auto.
And if you need to fire that fast in semi, you might as well be using full auto.
Otherwise, 2rnd burst is easily programmable in many mosfets.

neat technical idea, accomplished easily by reprogramming a mosfet, but entirely pointless.

kudougw May 21st, 2018 17:53


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 2024792)
most mosfets; reprogram the unit so it sees an off single as a single shot as well.
poor idea in practice though. Firstly, it's 2 shots per trigger pull, so technically it's not semi auto, it's 2rnd burst.
So you can't use it anywhere you'd be limited to semi-auto. Which leaves games that allow full auto.
And if you need to fire that fast in semi, you might as well be using full auto.
Otherwise, 2rnd burst is easily programmable in many mosfets.

neat technical idea, accomplished easily by reprogramming a mosfet, but entirely pointless.

thats what I was looking for, thanks bro.
can you name a few mosfets that can do this without much hassle?
can gate titan do this?

pestobanana May 21st, 2018 20:02

If you saw an AEG do this, it was not done via a MOSFET. It was just an AEG with fucked up trigger contacts. Sometimes if a trigger sled goes too far between a set of contacts, the plastic housing can push the contacts apart and break contact. Upon release of the trigger it would briefly cycle the motor again.

Actually wanting a feature like this is fucking stupid.

ThunderCactus May 23rd, 2018 23:32

No mosfet will do this without modification, and by modification I mean actually reprogramming the software on the mosfet.
2 round burst would be the easiest equivalent, any programmable mosfet can do it.
There is, fundamentally, 0 advantage to having a gun do what you want it to do.

kudougw May 28th, 2018 01:15

Thanks pesto and thunder.

iamsofabulous September 12th, 2018 09:21
Someone did it

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