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M4 which one?
Hi guys, I was looking at buying a M4. Am still not sure if I want the rails and stuff but I am currently looking for a full metal M4. I was just wondering what company I should get? G&G, G&P, Classic army or ICS. I was only looking to spend no more than 800$. Thanks ahead of time!
If you want a good M4, buy TM and upgrade with a metal body and such, it will give u the most reliablity. but if you absolutly have to get one i suggest a ICS or G&G. G&P is to powerful for a new player and Classic Army has some problems.
-Choda |
Thanks, anymore suggestions. Also what do you mean by "G&P is to powerful for a new player" I've acually had an mp5 before just want to try something new thanks again guys.
ICS has many neat features: ie. split mechbox, working forward assist.
G&P M4 comes with a PDI 170% outta the box, so right away it's suggested that you downgrade. An inexperienced player may not realize how hot his gun is outta the box and hurt someone. If i were you i'd get a TM M4 S System, it's a really solid M4 and you can pretty much attach anything anywhere on that beast.
ics,g&p and c.a. all seem to be fairly solid performers. if there is an "ugly step-child" in the m4 world it's g&g. they show nice promise, however they have some issues with quality control. i seem to recall bringing this issue up a while back and DEA responded with "they know they have issues and are adressing them" sort-of-thing and now i see wgc has listed a recall by g&g of ALL previous gr16 series gearboxes. personally i would avoid g&g until the resolve those issues and deliver a good product (which may come, but be patient if that's what you really want). c.a. have had their own issues as i'm sure many folks here know about. ics on the other hand has never had issues in the last couple of years that i'm aware of except some guys have complained of motor problems (of which i've seen one, but that was a result of battery problems) and g&p have had some issues in their extremely upgraded models (in the 475 fps range) but were easliy corrected. i own tm, ics and g&p so i'm really familiar with them and have repaired many g&g. for 800 clams you could get any one of these, however the best bang for your buck is still ics.
Unless a metal body is an absolute must for you, and you're looking for a good gun to use, TM is always the answer.
Yeah, but what kind of MAN wants a plastic body? Am I right?
G&P's are a great deal and I wouldn't be worried THAT much about power. Even someone who has only played paintball can use an airsoft gun safely. BB's do far less damage. |
i don't know about that. i walked up on a guy with 475 fps spr and got stung once in the forehead from 20 feet. not only did it blast my skin open but it stunned me so that i didn't know my own name for a couple of seconds. imagine a new guy, scared, nervous and hoping to make a good showing to his new airsoft buddies, getting a little "buck fever" and opening up with 450 fps and emptying a full mag on someone's face. you can visualize the rest. needless to say there would be some discussion about it afterwards maybe "cool, good kill" but most likely " you f#@*&ng newb". many clubs either use minimum engagement distances or graduated fps levels to keep heads calm and bloodless. but then again a little blood-letting never REALLY hurt anyone. and i wasn't pissed when i got it, but the next time i told jesse i would get him back for that.
A teamate of mine has spent an ass-load of money to try and get his G&P working, new gearbox, new gears, new motor etc. and it STILL doesn't work. I've never even seen it let out a burst yet. Keep in mind this gun was brand spanking new, and still is for that matter.
OK thanks guys so I guess theres too much debate on the G&P, but you guys have to keep in mind I played airsoft a couple of times. The place that I play they only allow airsofts that shoot 400fps. Thats if it has a full auto mode. If its only semi-auto then they allow 450fps. So I guess G&P is out of the picture because of too many problems, G&G is also out of the picture, Classic army has some problems. So that means you guys recommend TM but If I want metal I should get a ICS. Is that right? Thanks again guys if you still have a recommendation I would be more than happy to hear it.
Well you be happy with your plastic then.
And sure paintballers may use airsoft guns in a paintball fashion, they both usually have strict range rules for shooting when playing. And remember that airsoft may look tough, paintball is still a little more hardcore, getting shot wise that is. |
I own a G&G, and I have to say, it's a very nice gun... very nice looking, good performance. I really haven't seen any of the problems that people are complaining about, but I suppose we'll just have to see as time goes on.
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