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choda_boy October 29th, 2005 20:25

Canadian Forces Boots
I have been looking online but can not find anywhere to buy CF boots, can anyone point me in the right dirrection??

Kutter October 29th, 2005 20:30

Check out Army Issue, he's got both the goretex and the old issue boots.

-Skeletor- October 29th, 2005 21:01

If you want a good pair of boots, don't get the MKIII Combat Boots, they are shit. I only wear them when I have to(in garrison).

Farmboy October 29th, 2005 21:23

And don't use the goretex below 0 degrees or you will be falling on your butt all the time!

yanhchan October 29th, 2005 21:56

Don't buy jungle boots...the sole is coming off my right boot and i only had it for like three months

-Skeletor- October 29th, 2005 22:02


Originally Posted by yanhchan
Don't buy jungle boots...the sole is coming off my right boot and i only had it for like three months

Thats because you bought the shity chinese made knock offs. I've had my american made ones for awhile now and they are still in great shape.

Lerch October 29th, 2005 23:29

Seeing as you're in BC I'll direct you to my frequented local shops.

New Westminster has Dave's and Westleys. Dave's is great if you're after some of the higher-end quality civvie boots, but Westley's is best if it's military issue goodness that you're after. Last time I was there they had everything from jungle boots to garrison boots.

Skruface October 29th, 2005 23:46


Originally Posted by -MikeL-

Originally Posted by yanhchan
Don't buy jungle boots...the sole is coming off my right boot and i only had it for like three months

Thats because you bought the shity chinese made knock offs. I've had my american made ones for awhile now and they are still in great shape.

I bought a pair of premium Altama's and they were utter shit. Fell apart the first time I wore 'em.

ToRN October 29th, 2005 23:48

Don't go issue, you know what they say "issue gear is made by the lowest bidder"

Get a good pair of Magnums, I know many people who have them, and I will be getting them shortly.

666 October 30th, 2005 04:48

ToRN, wierd, Magnums lasted me less than 6 months while CF combats started to fall apart only after about 2 years.

Grim Fandango October 30th, 2005 05:00

Yeah, I got some used CF issued boots at a surplus store long long time ago. Got them on sale for only $10, lasted me 4 years. Weren't comfortable at the beginning, so I put some dr. scholls cushions in and they were fine.

PTE. Pyle October 30th, 2005 05:30

i personally use mk111 cf issue boots i love them for airsoft. altho for hiking and suck i have a good pair of magnum boots they are awsome i just dont wanna wreck them playing air soft they are like 250 to 400 depending on the style

yanhchan October 30th, 2005 06:39

The jungle boots I have look nice and feel very good at first and then one day they decided to fall apart internally and externally. The soles wore out very quickly too.

Lerch October 30th, 2005 08:05

My jungle boots are doing fine aside from the toe being worn down everytime I go out for a weekend. My Prospectors (lowest bidder my arse!) are excellent for any cooler weather and naval action.

yanhchan October 30th, 2005 09:07

Do you have the OD Jungle boots or the leather ones? I have the OD ones and they are utter crap now...

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