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cav. March 12th, 2015 02:24

Where to buy small screws
Help. Where can I get small screws and suitable orings for GBBR? Tried searching but they just keep telling me to go to CanTire or Home Depot :/

Something along this size? Diameter wise

These seem to be more on a specialty level, but I dont know where to look :(

turok_t March 12th, 2015 06:41


Originally Posted by cav. (Post 1938208)
Help. Where can I get small screws and suitable orings for GBBR? Tried searching but they just keep telling me to go to CanTire or Home Depot :/

Something along this size? Diameter wise

These seem to be more on a specialty level, but I dont know where to look :(

Try Sayal Electronics, theres 2 locations close to each other in Scarborough. They sell packets of small screws and orings which is what I use on M4 BCG. These screws are longer and can be cut down to a desired length, especially for securing the nozzle guide in place.

DrDoUm March 12th, 2015 08:05

I'm a big fan of:

However, they won't ship some items to canada since there's a special tax on them... not sure why and on which items exactly.


Sequential March 12th, 2015 08:31

Good luck finding these kind of small screws.

Something like this size would be like a M2 screw.

In Toronto its even hard to find a M3 screw...

N_Force March 12th, 2015 08:51

This is electrical type of machine screws, mostly you'll find it from electronic parts supplier, but these years a lot of them are closed down. Like turokt said, Sayal has some in a pack, between Victoria park and mcnicol got one, or try home hardware, sometimes they have some lose pics lay around.

waylander March 12th, 2015 10:15

Hobby shops should have them... These are the same (or even smaller) screws used on RC cars, planes, helicopters... etc.

lurkingknight March 12th, 2015 10:18

if only an airsoft parts supplier would get a good selection of metric machine screws in.... m2.... m3.... m4....


waylander March 12th, 2015 10:35

Problem is there's no money in screws... they are only sold by hobby shops as a loss leader. Believe me... in RC we lose A LOT of screws...

Sequential March 12th, 2015 11:33


Originally Posted by N_Force (Post 1938217)
This is electrical type of machine screws, mostly you'll find it from electronic parts supplier, but these years a lot of them are closed down. Like turokt said, Sayal has some in a pack, between Victoria park and mcnicol got one, or try home hardware, sometimes they have some lose pics lay around.

Yup, a lot of them have closed down over time. Sayal is a joke though, the customer service there is just horrible. The people who work there have some serious attitude issues.

Home Hardware also is a good place to take a look for random screws laying around, they have that small cabinet that has many many screw sizes. If you can't find the size you are looking for there might be the same diameter but in a different kind of thread.


Originally Posted by lurkingknight (Post 1938226)
if only an airsoft parts supplier would get a good selection of metric machine screws in.... m2.... m3.... m4....


I could do it.

Like those GBB O-Rings I manufactured myself, cause I was fed up on actually trying to find a size that would fit properly.

Kingsix March 12th, 2015 11:33

Active surplus 347 Queen street west is my usual go to place for odds and ends. Then probably the home hardware on College that carries electronic components in the basement. Then Sayal electronics last.

Sequential March 12th, 2015 11:50


Originally Posted by Kingsix (Post 1938249)
Active surplus 347 Queen street west is my usual go to place for odds and ends. Then probably the home hardware on College that carries electronic components in the basement. Then Sayal electronics last.

Good place to look but too far for those outside of the city.

Kos-Mos March 12th, 2015 11:52

Dollar store.

Look for some cast metal toys/items with tiny scews, and bring a small, inconspicuous screw driver.

99% is made in china, so it will be metric. If it's small enough and machine screw type, it should fit.

Other than that, RC car store. Specifically, Micro, mini and 450 class helicopters. The frames are built with M2 screws all over. Replacement for theses should get you somewhere.

siggypoo March 12th, 2015 12:10

Local RC shops will always have what you need, o-rings included. There's a lot between the two hobbies that crosses over.

lurkingknight March 12th, 2015 12:38


Originally Posted by waylander (Post 1938227)
Problem is there's no money in screws... they are only sold by hobby shops as a loss leader. Believe me... in RC we lose A LOT of screws...

That's why I say a parts store. Bring in a couple hundred of the longest ones you can find and buyer cuts them to their desired size. There's really no other way of doing it feasibly and for reasonably cheap.

I've been forced to drive 45 minutes from one end of ottawa to the other so I can go to a specialty fastener store, and they don't have m2s and their m3s only come in short lengths.

OP, try fastenal if you can find one in the GTA. I wish their canadian operations did shipping. You need to know the exact specs of the screw.

ThunderCactus March 12th, 2015 12:47

aaaaaand nobody suggested EBAY
$3 pack of 10, free shipping

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