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GR December 10th, 2014 17:06

Echo1 CPM (AKS-74U) Flash hider Removal
Good day, fellow forum users! :)

I have searched far and wide on this issue, with sadly, no results (and even asked a gun doc)...

Lately, I've been trying to remove the flash hider on the Echo1 CPM (AKS-74U), however, it seems like it simply won't budge no matter what I try. Even heating and turning did not produce much work, and it seems if more pressure is applied, it would simply deform/break the whole thing.

Most AK's of this type have a small pin on the bottom of the flash hider, which make it possible to remove. On this model, however, there are no pins.

I was able to get a 75% turn, however, it won't go past that.

Few pictures:

If anyone has any ideas how to get it off (without breaking), it would be greatly appreciated!

P.S. My apologies if posted in the wrong section.

Drake December 10th, 2014 17:28

1) there's usually a clocking pin (10 oclock position when looking at it from the front) you need to push in; you did that, right? Pin above the grub screw:

2) some flash hiders with orange tips appear to be glued on. I had hat problem with my WE AK. You'll need to heat it considerably to melt the glue.

GR December 10th, 2014 18:01

1) Yes, the clocking pin is moved all the way to the rear and is not the problem.

2) I've heated the flashhider to a point where it was almost too hot to touch, yet, it didn't really make the job easier (but it was easier nonetheless). After I got the 75% rotation, it won't budge farther than that.

Danke December 10th, 2014 18:52

What happens if you turn it the other way?

GR December 10th, 2014 19:16

The other way it doesn't budge...

Thanks to everyone for the help, I finally got it off, but it did not go down without a fight (slightly strapped threading and some scratched paint). Took 15 minutes in boiling water, strentgh of 2 men, and a wrench:

Re-cap of what I did:
1) Removed the flash hider with the front sight from the gun.
2) Placed up to the iron sight into boiling water for 15 minutes.
3) With one person holding the sight, other was turning the flash hider clock-wise if looking from behind (as if shouldering the rifle). Eventually, it finally moved, and it was smoother sailing from there.

Styrak December 10th, 2014 21:31


Originally Posted by GR (Post 1923906)
1) Yes, the clocking pin is moved all the way to the rear and is not the problem.

2) I've heated the flashhider to a point where it was almost too hot to touch, yet, it didn't really make the job easier (but it was easier nonetheless). After I got the 75% rotation, it won't budge farther than that.

If you can still touch it, it likely isn't hot enough yet.

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