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Verex July 29th, 2014 10:28

NVG Sacrificial Lens
For all you NVG users, have you or know if there ever was a BB test conducted on a sacrificial lens? I am just wondering if there is a specific sac lens that is recommended or would a cut out piece of Lexan Shield be the best route to go with in order to protect these expensive toy's?

kullwarrior July 29th, 2014 14:19

pm amos

z0ng July 29th, 2014 16:06

I cut out a piece of 1/4" lexan and made my own lens protector. It is not sacrificial and can withstand repeated strikes.

I have had one of the real sac lenses in the past, only takes one good hit to shatter. Due to its proximity to the objective lens I had no idea it had shattered until I took it off my head after coming back to respawn.

ThunderCactus July 29th, 2014 19:36

3/32" lexan over that small of an area would easily stop 500fps
I use 1/8" for all my stuff

Also, what's an "amos"?

Verex July 29th, 2014 20:24

Thanks for the responses. I am going to get some Lexan and replace my sac lens since it sounds like a better choice.

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