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Jugglez October 4th, 2005 17:05

Marui P226 FMU 2T (56K Beware) ... NINEBALL Under Mount Rail added
Marui Sig Sauer P226 Full Metal 2T

  • Creation Aluminum Slide/Barrel Kit w/silencer adaptor
  • Insight Technology M3 Tactical Illuminator
  • Guarder Enhanced Recoil Spring 150%
  • Guarder Enhanced Hammer Spring 150%
  • Guarder Enhanced Loading Nozzle
  • Guarder Enhanced Piston Lid (not installed yet)
  • KM Hi-flow Valve (for Marui M9 series)
  • Hogue Slip-on Grip w/finger grooves

Creation Aluminum Slide/Barrel/Adaptor

Very nice quality, I believe they are CNC'd. Finish is superb and uniform (better than the PGC Hi-capa slides IMO). And no modifications required for installation. :tup:

I don't plan to run a suppressor on it, so I can't give much input on the barrel adaptor. It is made from aluminum though, which is a plus.

Trades look good (to me anyway :D )

Front sight mounts on no problem. It's a little tricky to get that retainer back on, I used the smallest tipped screwdriver I could find.

A minor problem I encountered was getting the blowback assembly to sit flush inside. (It must sit flush or the slide won't slide on the lower frame.. tolerances are pretty tight). What I did was used a 4mm punch and a small hammer and *gently* tapped it down.. little by little.. I must've of tapped it 25 times.. ;)

Lubed her up nice, and tested it with 2 mags. Both running propane, one with stock valve, the other with a KM hi-flow valve designed for the Marui M9 series (uses the same valve as the P226). The stock mag had problems cycling, it would shoot a couple then release all gas out. :( Maybe it just needs to be worked in. With the upgraded mag, it shoots like a dream. Shoots hard, crisp blowback and recoil, nice ROF. Shoots better than my upgraded Hi-CAPA. Sucks on gas though, I get only about 15-20 shots per mag fill.

One plus was the slide stop on empty mag feature works, unlike on my Hi-capa it doesn't stop... EVER!
And after 5 mags the stock piston lid (cup, head, whatever you want to call it) is holding just fine. If it does crap out I have a few Guarder Enhanced Piston Lids on the way. They're only $3 USD each btw, there's nothing holding the piston lid securely in place. It's just sits snugly on the screw at the back of the blowback mechanism. :smack:


Overall very happy with the finished product in terms of looks and quality. A little disappointed at the performance since it won't work with a stock mag but I can live with it... for now.

Will shoot a little video and upload it to my ASC page when I have some time. :tup:

Will update this thread with follow-up feedback as time goes on....


NEW NINE BALL Under Mount Bases

Strike Mount

Under Mount only

Lord Jebus October 4th, 2005 17:33

Sweet pistol Jugz!
So how much did that run you in total?
Once I get My shotty working My next gun is gonna be a P226 with the full metal body.

Jugglez October 4th, 2005 17:42

Thanks man, run me about $750 CDN including the GBB.

gandar October 4th, 2005 18:07

Very sexy, very sexy indeed, God... I don't wanna think of what that's chronying at.... I'd love to see a vid of it shooting though.

Xepharo October 4th, 2005 18:53

gosh... thats one sexy P226 2T.
So is that lovely MP5!!!.
gj mate. :kill:

SEALs October 4th, 2005 19:36


Suspect187 October 4th, 2005 20:23

That gun is so damn nice :tup:

Mr Jon October 4th, 2005 20:28

God damn thats nice, i've been looking at recreating that. You did say it was FMU however the lower frame appears to be the stock plastic one. Do you have one of those on order as well because im intrested as to the various qualities of all these brands making P226 frames and such.

Syn October 4th, 2005 20:32

beautiful gun

great pics too.
ouch on the upgrade price but hey it must be a dream to shoot with once you get the mag prob fixed.

Rumpel Felt October 4th, 2005 20:47


Though it sucks how you can read "Made in Japan" so clearly on the mag and frame. Damn proud Japanese.

Jugglez October 4th, 2005 20:59


Originally Posted by PhrozeN
God damn thats nice, i've been looking at recreating that. You did say it was FMU however the lower frame appears to be the stock plastic one. Do you have one of those on order as well because im intrested as to the various qualities of all these brands making P226 frames and such.

Hey good eye. :tup: I would've went with one however I'm not at all impressed at any of the options out there.

The Prime kit doesn't include a metal barrel, and is $375 USD at most of the Asian retailers. $375 USD!!!! The PGC kit that just came out is $238 USD and needs a lot of work, and I'm already not a big fan of PGC slides... the Guarder kit looked the most promising at $120 USD however no metal barrel included, you have to paint it yourself, and the sides of the blowback assembly needs to be sanded down alot, which would probably render it useless if you ever decide to put it back in the original slide. It also isn't available yet either.

Also you'll make alot of new friends at Canada Customs if you try to get a pistol frame across the border. :D

Everyone else, thanks for compliments.

automatic45 October 4th, 2005 22:35

Thats a beautiful lookin sidearm there! damn i wish i came over couple of days after so i could have seen this! DAMMMMIIITTT! :banghead:

automatic45 October 4th, 2005 22:35

Thats a beautifull lookin sidearm there! damn i wish i came over couple of days after so i could have seen this! DAMMMMIIITTT! :banghead:

FOX_111 October 4th, 2005 22:53

WOW, I fell in love with that gun.

But the price is killing me.

I'll settle for my ordinary KJW M9 :sad:

Droc October 5th, 2005 07:40

very nice work

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