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barberouge June 9th, 2014 10:26

How to protect my upper head ?

I went to my first cqb game and it was a lot of fun. Except I got shot by a 3 bb shotgun in the upper head and it hurl a lot. It even bleed a little.

What are you using, a cap a full face mask ?

I am not sure how to have a better protection, full face mask could impair my visibility and/ or get too hot.

Thank for your suggestion

Danke June 9th, 2014 10:30

I use a helmet.

Jimski June 9th, 2014 10:35

I use a cadet cap.

Bigload June 9th, 2014 10:36

F.A.S.T helmet

BioRage June 9th, 2014 10:46


This happened to my at my first time at UA. Next day I went to go buy a $50 F.A.S.T Helmet replica.

cav. June 9th, 2014 11:09

Helmet...ball caps do nothing lol

Laurel June 9th, 2014 12:25

yep, helmets... I always said nah I don't need a helmet, etc. & then I got one to easily accomodate a face mask & the amount of hits you take to head is surprising.

with a helmet you can just forget and move on.

P.S if you find yourself @ an outdoor game in the bush somewhere, the helmet is great for keeping all those pesky tree branches off your head.

moz_boz June 9th, 2014 12:28

Just don't forget to call your hits ;) otherwise many more bbs are headed for your noggin :)

Big +1 on the helmet...especially for cqb games

FOX_111 June 9th, 2014 12:30

CQB= helmet
Not just for close headshots, but in real building where we often play in, there is often shit suspended from the ceiling or falling on you.

barberouge June 9th, 2014 14:52

Thank to all for their comment.

Jimski June 9th, 2014 14:59


Originally Posted by cav. (Post 1894341)
Helmet...ball caps do nothing lol

that's enough for BBs.Helmets are bulky bullet magnets.
caps keep the light from going in your eyes and headbands keep the sweat from running down your face.
Helmets do nothing of that and are like a balloon over your head.

Wilkie June 9th, 2014 15:09

I also recommend a helmet as well, both for bb protection, and as Fox said, for bump protection.

That said, there are a number of types of soft head wear that will protect your head to an extent. I often wear a boonie had, which catches the rounds, as long as its not too tight.

DrDoUm June 9th, 2014 15:35

I never played with an helmet... I have a collection of condor baseball caps though.

What I will never play without now is a mesh mask to protect my teeth, ever since a single bb shot from a pistol broke my front tooth in half. 300$ could've been better invested than in dental repair.

Spadona June 10th, 2014 10:42

I usually wear a ball cap with a few velcro patches. I haven't had an issue yet. Helmets seem really stuffy as it prevents quite a bit of airflow. I feel like I'm gonna overheat in them too fast.

theshaneler June 10th, 2014 11:22

I wear a helmet, but if you don't want to wear one, something like these would work

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