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viking9934 June 27th, 2013 13:41

A&K PTW issue

i'm not a beast in electricity so i need a confirmation. after receiving my A&K ptw m4a1 i tried to function check it by pluging it with my 7.4v 2200mah 25c batterie and.......nothing!I also tried the bolt catch to be sure it was not me but after testing it with my multimetre she work fine.

i tried troubleshoot more the gun and when i've looked at the ''mosfet board'' look what i've find!

the weld is broken. if i'm right it's why i can't fire the gun.
What are my option?FCC mosfet? flush all the ''electronic'' for new FCC or systema part?
I they'r a gun doc near Longueuil that would like to help me?
Every thing else is correct and i will make a review after the gun work.


Adamlxlx June 27th, 2013 13:54

From my understanding if yu got this from huang they require a 11.1 lipo or a 12v nimh. Apparentlu they shoot real hot stock.

wildcard June 27th, 2013 14:27

The A&K board are not LiPo friendly, there have been documented issue about their electronics burning out even with a 7.4V LiPo

viking9934 June 27th, 2013 14:34

yes i know i have order a 9.6 systema ni-cad.
but it's doesn't explain the mosfet broken weld....

wildcard June 27th, 2013 14:39

actually I've seen their soldering popped off from voltage spikes

viking9934 June 27th, 2013 14:41

so i need to flush everything and replace by new and better electronic?
or i weld back and see.

wildcard June 27th, 2013 14:45


Originally Posted by viking9934 (Post 1810573)
so i need to flush everything and replace by new and better electronic?
or i weld back and see.

Well that depends how bad is the board, if its bad one of the things you can do is upgrade it the cheapest option is for you to find a CTW board, Systema and FCC would be about half or maybe a bit less than what you pay for your whole gun. when you do upgrade the electronics makesure you upgrade the selector board and the boltstop/EL001 together as some may not work with the other brand. The one I saw in HK a few weeks ago was so burned that half the board was black (they used a 14.8 Systema LiPo)

viking9934 June 27th, 2013 14:56

I must say i don't really thrust a&k board..even if i repair this section, maybe another one will blow someday.
Well i just look to order the FCC mini mosfet/FCC Advanced CPU/FCC Selector Switch Board.

the selector board should work with the Cpu since it's made by FCC?
i will look for systema.

wildcard June 27th, 2013 14:58


Originally Posted by viking9934 (Post 1810578)
I must say i don't really thrust a&k board..even if i repair this section, maybe another one will blow someday.
Well i just look to order the FCC mini mosfet/FCC Advanced CPU/FCC Selector Switch Board.

the selector board should work with the Cpu since it's made by FCC?
i will look for systema.

No FCC has nothing to do with A&K electronics, also A&K motor is slighty larger than Systema and FCC so the oem grips might not fit if you choose to upgrade the motor.

viking9934 June 27th, 2013 15:00

no i was talking about the compatibility of the FFC selector with the FCC cpu

Nova316 June 27th, 2013 16:23

If you are going to switch to FCC
you need to switch all 3
CPU, Mosfet and selector
The selector boards are wired incorrectly, you can rewire them if you can solder fine points

The electronics are also a huge downfall of this A&K, I have added heat sinks on a friends because they copied 2007 systema boards which aren't Lipo friendly and they don't have any way to dissipate the heat. Which will break solder points and is a strong hit or miss

wildcard June 27th, 2013 16:48


Originally Posted by Nova316 (Post 1810602)
If you are going to switch to FCC
you need to switch all 3
CPU, Mosfet and selector
The selector boards are wired incorrectly, you can rewire them if you can solder fine points

The electronics are also a huge downfall of this A&K, I have added heat sinks on a friends because they copied 2007 systema boards which aren't Lipo friendly and they don't have any way to dissipate the heat. Which will break solder points and is a strong hit or miss

Carefull I wouldn't even attempt on resoldering the boards, so far in the A&K I've seen there is three different color ECU board Black, Blue and a purple version. The one I witness in HK that smokes up is teh Black and purple version and even then the two boards are not the same. For the price that these are selling they are still a bargain it's just that it's a pain in the ass to make them work if you have a off spec ones. I have two of them in my bench right now one was bought recently an dteh other was purchased three months ago from HK the boards are different and the motor is different one from HK has a shinier almost chrome liek motor while teh other ones looked like an old school 480

mcguyver June 27th, 2013 18:33

I would call that board toast. It is the same problem that Airsoft Surgeon boards used to have. They had no low-voltage protection, so when the voltage dropped from a depelted battery, or if you used a 7.4V, the motor would draw more current. It is a destructive feedback cycle, and the excessive current burnt out the trace.

You can try to fix it, but it will always be weak, and will blow out on you again.

If A&K is compatible with Gen 3 Systema electronics, I have a bunch of those kicking around. No idea though on how many actually work.

viking9934 June 27th, 2013 19:03

sound logic mcguyver.
it look like a design problem.
is theyr a way to know if a&k is compatible with gen 3 systema?

mcguyver June 27th, 2013 19:20


Originally Posted by viking9934 (Post 1810637)
sound logic mcguyver.
it look like a design problem.
is theyr a way to know if a&k is compatible with gen 3 systema?

You would really have to try it. No better way to know.

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