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solidgear34 June 10th, 2013 22:29

boogie regulator defog ideas
so i got some asian fit boogie regulator (by smith optic) and so far i kind of like what it has to offer, the only problem is that it only defogs when i move around. are there options or mods where the goggle will still defog even though im not doing some sort of high active movement? (for example lying down in a hot ghillie suit).

recommendations would be much appreciated

BennyBoy June 10th, 2013 22:31

There was a discussion about this...lemme see if I can find it


Hectic June 10th, 2013 22:32

If there is foam over the vents remove it.
Fogtech (they will get moisture build up but less fog)

solidgear34 June 10th, 2013 22:53

indeed, hmm i was thinking of theres any way to cut foam or something

Zack The Ripper June 10th, 2013 23:39


Originally Posted by Hectic (Post 1804703)
If there is foam over the vents remove it.
Fogtech (they will get moisture build up but less fog)

Can't use a fan on them, much too small.

Only thing that worked for my was some C-Clear, and only for a little while. Personally I gave up on mine and purchased the Smith Optics OTWs with the built in turbo fan. $160, but worth every penny. I NEVER fog. Plus the fan has a high and low setting and turns off automatically after four hours. Uses two AAAs and lasts up to ten hours on the low setting.


solidgear34 June 10th, 2013 23:41

well it seems this might be a problem with fogging, but what other low pro goggle systems will stopfogging?

maybe the exoshield from revision?

Hectic June 11th, 2013 00:40

The otw's, ess with fans. Im sure there are others with fans as well.
Not sure how low pro the regulators are but the ess profile are prety low pro and tho the fans dont fit well (they stick like half way out the front) i was still able to get em on there. Took em off tho as the sound is annoying lol.

BennyBoy June 11th, 2013 00:42

Make sure you get one that fits you too ;)
They have Asian fits for us..Asians..

Short Round June 11th, 2013 06:49

I cut foam around the goggles out from the top and bottom hoping to give a better airflow, however to no avail. Ended up picking up some anti fog spray from sportchek, seems to work

Zack The Ripper June 11th, 2013 09:42


Originally Posted by solidgear34 (Post 1804735)
well it seems this might be a problem with fogging, but what other low pro goggle systems will stopfogging?

maybe the exoshield from revision?

Definitely not. The exoshields are boogies without ventilation. I myself was torn between the two and in speaking with Revision they told me that they aren't meant to be worn during vigorous physical activity and even quoted that for airsoft they are not a good option. If you will be doing night ops and using NVGs/NODs (what have you) then the boogies are your best bet, but don't go running around too much and make sure you aren't over bound with gear and clothing that will make you sweat.

Ultimately ESS, Revision, and Smith Optics "low pro" full seal goggles with the turbofan are the best for normal gameplay, thus why I don't use my boogies anymore (as I have many other things I would like to get before taking the PVS-14 dive). You can also try some GO Specs, but they do fog a tad as well.

Short Round June 11th, 2013 11:29

I will note that someone at OP Honda Civic in March was telling me he used anti fog spray made for scuba goggles. I don't know if there is a different between that and stuff like fog tech however he was using boogies all night and had no problems fogging wise what so ever.

Zack The Ripper June 11th, 2013 11:47

^That spray is essentially dish soap, slightly different, but that's really all it is. It does work. The big thing with all of this fog repellent is instead of fogging you get water beads that roll down your lens. It actually is much easier to see than the fog, but can get annoying. Pick your poison I guess.

coach June 11th, 2013 12:09


Originally Posted by ZackTheRipperC (Post 1804846)

Ultimately ESS, Revision, and Smith Optics "low pro" full seal goggles with the turbofan are the best for normal gameplay, thus why I don't use my boogies anymore (as I have many other things I would like to get before taking the PVS-14 dive). You can also try some GO Specs, but they do fog a tad as well.

Any idea if the Smith OTW are asian fit? Who carries these in Canada?

Danke June 11th, 2013 12:18


Originally Posted by coach (Post 1804902)
Any idea if the Smith OTW are asian fit? Who carries these in Canada?

They have the fan ones too, these are MC though!

Fit doesn't sound Asian.

SF_Chewy June 11th, 2013 14:23

OTW fan versions do not come in Asian fit yet (I checked). They do have the non-fan version in Asian-fit . I can also confirm that unless stated otherwise OTW's (regular and fan) are not Asian fit. carries a lot of Smith Optics stuff

With regards to the OP, I tried drilling the vent holes bigger and cutting the foam to exhaust more air. Also applied Fogtech, in humid days it will fog. Nice profile, but I still haven't solved the fogging issue quite yet.

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