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Akinno April 26th, 2013 20:41

Who plays Airsoft in Durham?
Hey guys,

I tried this last summer with little luck, but I'll try to reach out to some players again. I'm a student attending UOIT in Oshawa and would like to find some players, teams, and/or airsoft fields in the Oshawa/Durham region for the summer season.

I'm aware of the Whitby Airsoft field, but as it only runs games sundays I have no way of getting there via public transportation as I don't drive.

I'm hoping I can meet up with some airsoft enthusiasts near my area to commute to various airsoft events over the summer. I would like to start playing more regularly and would like to meet some like-minded individuals. Please PM me if you're interested.

Ares April 26th, 2013 22:43

Few of they guys that come to Whitby hop the GO bus in downtown Oshawa and walk or ride a bike from the GO station in Whitby, not to far from there

Curo April 27th, 2013 00:04

I play! Me and buddy are heading out to the Abby in Hamilton June 2nd if your in. Check the games section.

Akinno April 27th, 2013 00:20

Thanks guys this helps.

joots May 7th, 2013 22:20

I went there myself, I live not hugely far away (closer to toronto).

Molto May 7th, 2013 22:34

Whitby airsoft is gold.

joots May 7th, 2013 22:37

I have never heard of this place before, anyone have more information on it?

Ares May 8th, 2013 01:41

PM Okita or Yte for more info, games run every sunday

Curo May 8th, 2013 10:44


Originally Posted by Molto (Post 1792947)
Whitby airsoft is gold.

Well let me elaborate

I recently went to the Whitby Airsoft field and enjoyed my stay. This is a skirmish environment. Do nor go expecting true organization. Where as there are valiant attempts by game hosts and some players to immerse themselves in the experience. Overall its very skirmish feeling. I can relate it to woodsball games.

+people called they're hits
+hosts tried to get people going into the next game.
+hosts where flexable enough to meet changing demands by player base

-skirmish players. This is not a MILSIM enviornment ( at this time.) I get the impression that many are exspeedball or woodsball players. And I found they had to be told to cease fire cause the targets dead. But that's a problem they will likely grow out of

NANA May 8th, 2013 12:32

sorry for jacking the thread.

Thanks for the review.

We are a skirmish field at the moment. We are a new field and are planning on going the way of the milsim, just not ready yet.

We are a newb friendly place. We have many new players every week most are ex-paintballers who want to play a big boy game. The down time between games does get a little long when we dont stay on top of things. We learn more every week, we get better every week and are always open to comments or concerns. Keep it constructive please.

We do the best we can with what we have, the games get bigger and better every week.

I hope you all get a chance to enjoy our little slice of paradise.

We are working on a saturday milsim games. They will be posted on ASC. stay tuned for more info.

Capt.Spaulding May 9th, 2013 07:37

Saturday MILSIM
Definitely looking forward to Saturday games focusing on MILSIM.

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