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Duilin April 8th, 2013 21:59

Flash hider removal
sorry if this is posted in wrong section.

anyone have any experiance removing the flash hider from a CYMA M14 EBR? i've follow a few suggestions online, including heating it with a hair dryer for ~10mins then unscrewing with a pair of plyers, to no avail. any tips would be much apperiated.

Stealth April 8th, 2013 22:03

This was the ONLY way I can get my VFC flash hider off.

Went to home depot and picked up a torch. Came off like magic.

Elite Force (VFC) 416 Flash Hider removal DIY - YouTube

BennyBoy April 8th, 2013 22:22

I used a huge wrench and ripped one off my JAvelin m24 lol, it was just a bunch of glue and didn't damage the barrel.
Is it plastic or metal? Is there a set screw hidden in it? Are you turning the right way?

Duilin April 8th, 2013 22:55


Originally Posted by BennyBoy (Post 1782009)
I used a huge wrench and ripped one off my JAvelin m24 lol, it was just a bunch of glue and didn't damage the barrel.
Is it plastic or metal? Is there a set screw hidden in it? Are you turning the right way?

its metal, no screw, i tried turning both ways. i'm gonna try the torch method tomorrow and see how it goes.

nichtessen April 8th, 2013 23:14

Try a heat gun if you have one, if not torch it but lightly.

Kos-Mos April 8th, 2013 23:48

Heat-up and "tighten" to remove (turn clock-wise to unscrew).

Most china guns and the ones that are from the states come with superglue in the thread...

Also double/triple check for a hidden cross-pin. There was one in my JG G36 that I did not see (and it was blocking the barrel...)
*Edit: I got a few PMs... it was not across the barrel, only one side, but it was pushed too much in/too long and was in the path of the BB.

SuperHog April 9th, 2013 12:02

It is probably torqued on along with red thread locker. Heat it up with a heat gun and turn only clockwise. If turn it back and forth, you could get galling and it will seize it on permanently.

GBBR April 9th, 2013 13:17

does anyone remember the guy who used a hacksaw to hack off the flashhider of his SVD?
don't do what he did.

I have a whole set of wrenchs at home (metric) what I do is I find the correct size ussally its 14mm, there is going to be a section on the flashhider itself for the wrench,

I heat it up a lil bit. and I twist off with the wrench, takes no longer than 2 minutes,

either I'm good at it or really lucky

Duilin April 9th, 2013 17:14

thanks for the help guys, came off with the added heat from the torch.

quick pick of what it has on it now (excuse the dirty blanket, dogs got to it before i had chance to clean their feet):


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