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hattrick March 12th, 2013 19:34

Tanaka revolvers have had an ajustable fps this whole time????
Alright while browsing GGI (gas gun info) I found a tanaka m500 for sale that had this in the discription.

"For those who don't know, Tanaka revolvers had adjustable velocity. Simply remove the screw in the bottom of the grip, slide the grip off, and adjust the screw that controls hammer spring tension. It's currently set low, so you may want to adjust it higher. Word of caution, to be field legal you pretty much have to use HFC134a. Green gas or propane works great, but you will be shooting way too hot. Last time I chrono'd it in summer weather with green gas it was shooting over 450. So, use HFC134a to keep the FPS legal."

This is the very first I have heard about tanaka revolvers having an ajustable fps. (I know the m700 is ajustable)

I presume this only applies to the pegisus system (non-removable shells)
It may apply only to the m500 series, honestly I dont know.

It has been a year or so since I sold my tanaka revolver so I have no way of confirming this. Come to think of it, i think my chrono is broken too!


the high fps is what has been stopping people from using their long barrel revolvers for some time, since they fire at a blistering 400+


Strelok March 12th, 2013 19:35

I wonder if my SAA has this...

ThunderCactus March 12th, 2013 20:07

I heard about that years ago, but how often does someone bring a revolver to a game? lol

Strelok March 12th, 2013 20:09


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 1771778)
I heard about that years ago, but how often does someone bring a revolver to a game? lol

Ever since I got my SAA, its been my secondary of choice since.

TaroBear March 12th, 2013 20:21


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 1771778)
I heard about that years ago, but how often does someone bring a revolver to a game? lol

It's not a Tanaka, but I bring my Python snub to most indoor games. Goes in the car along with the SPAS-12 as reliable backups. The reliability of RS revolvers translated well to Marui NBB six-guns, I feel.

Wildlife March 13th, 2013 03:16

'tis true, for the M500s at least; out of the box, mine was firing close to 420fps on greengas (this was many years ago, mind). Was months before I discovered the adjustable hammer spring screw.
It's a fiddly thing to adjust, though; seemed like a tiny move had big effects.

p.phresh March 13th, 2013 09:50

Yeah I can confirm this, years ago, I had a 6" Tanaka Umbrella Magnum revolver and I adjusted the FPS using the screw in the grip to release tension making the revolver game-able at our indoor arena, but as mentioned above, it was pretty finicky.

Gato March 23rd, 2013 04:26

I've handled a number of Tanaka wheel guns, and every one I've handled had this.... so my advice to all Tanaka owners is to go look at your gun if you hadn't already. I just assumed everyone else knew....

Strelok, I would kill to get an SAA you lucky bastard..........

Anyone know of any retailers carrying reliable wheel guns? PM me. If it's toronto airsoft, don't PM me :P

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