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BlackCard February 1st, 2013 16:18

Glocks G23 Leg Holsters and decreasing FPS
Hello, I'm new to the airsoft world and I just bought 2 G23 glocks and I am looking for double leg holsters, so for right and left (without mags). Does anyone know where I could purchase them?

Also, I'm planning on buying MP7 in the near future but I have a little problem with the FPS. The FPS of the mp7 I wanna purchase is around 410 and the airsoft place I play at allows 350 max. So I was wondering if there is a way to decrease the FPS of MP7 without damaging the gun?

Thank you

lurkingknight February 1st, 2013 16:30

either disassemble the bolt assembly and install a different valve

or buy the low power bolt assembly.

or install the npas system.

all have pros and cons.

Hectic February 1st, 2013 16:39

What style of holster u want. Hard, soft, some kind of cammo?

BlackCard February 1st, 2013 16:56


Originally Posted by Hectic (Post 1754940)
What style of holster u want. Hard, soft, some kind of cammo?

I'm looking for a soft black one, not really a fan of the plastic ones.

Hectic February 1st, 2013 17:10


Originally Posted by BlackCard (Post 1754945)
I'm looking for a soft black one, not really a fan of the plastic ones.

You can get that cheap then just google up drop leg holster. Find one in the size u need. Im sure u wont need a large one for the glocks. Grab a lefty and a righty and black belt to match. Most drop legs holsters will have a single mag pouch on em.
Here is one but only right handed. Not surs i see alot of lefty drop legs.

FirestormX February 1st, 2013 17:36


Originally Posted by BlackCard (Post 1754945)
I'm looking for a soft black one, not really a fan of the plastic ones.

Hard holsters are more expensive, but drawing from them is a lot nicer. Any particular reason you don't like them?

Styrak February 1st, 2013 18:13


Originally Posted by FirestormX (Post 1754959)
Hard holsters are more expensive, but drawing from them is a lot nicer. Any particular reason you don't like them?

Also most have active retention and protect your mag release, so you don't lose either you mag or even your whole gun. I've seen it happen a lot with cloth/soft holsters.

BlackCard February 4th, 2013 15:32

Thank you for the advice, just got 2 hard holsters yesterday and they're absolutely great.
Although, I'm still looking for an MP7 and I can't seem to find one that is under 350 FPS in Canada.
Does anyone know where I could get a full metal one MP7 or a Scorpion under 350?

JDoorn February 4th, 2013 15:37


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1754969)
Also most have active retention and protect your mag release, so you don't lose either you mag or even your whole gun. I've seen it happen a lot with cloth/soft holsters.

I have a black hawk replica dropleg for an M9 and had to mod it so it would not do exactly that. dropped 2 mags right out of the gun the first game...

Thenooblord February 4th, 2013 15:58

you will need to buy the MP7 shooting its 400ish, and then downgrade its FPS to sub 350 to play indoors, I think Dynamo makes low velocity valves on here, but I may just be talking out my ass, otherwise theres the RAtech NPAS

TurlteRaph February 4th, 2013 16:25

I asked about FPS in one of my thread and I was told this:

" I'll let you in on a well kept secret of airsoft. FPS doesn't mean shit.
You can buy a $10 spring and change your FPS, b.

ShelledPants February 4th, 2013 16:28


Originally Posted by TurlteRaph (Post 1756166)
I asked about FPS in one of my thread and I was told this:

" I'll let you in on a well kept secret of airsoft. FPS doesn't mean shit.
You can buy a $10 spring and change your FPS, b.

Gas powered guns do not use AEG springs to vary FPS of the gun. Two completely different systems.

Moonschlagen February 4th, 2013 16:30


Originally Posted by TurlteRaph (Post 1756166)
I asked about FPS in one of my thread and I was told this:

" I'll let you in on a well kept secret of airsoft. FPS doesn't mean shit.
You can buy a $10 spring and change your FPS, b.

Unfortunately, the OP's MP7 he is interested in is gas, not an AEG so changing fps is a little more difficult...but not impossible.

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