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knightoice August 6th, 2012 02:31

Want to catch up on last year of airsoft
Hi all! I joined the forum back when I was 14, and I'm happy to say that I turned 18 back in november. Unfortunately, I've been out of touch with airsoft for about a year (University and all). I also apologize if this isn't the most appropriate forum section to make this post in. Anyways, I was hoping if anyone could fill me in on the last 1.5 years of airsoft? I don't recall exactly how long it's been since I've followed any news, but to put it into perspective, the last thing I remember happening was some "revolutionary" burst fire MP5 made of stamped steel I think. Thanks in advance!

HackD August 6th, 2012 03:07


Originally Posted by knightoice (Post 1688249)
Hi all! I joined the forum back when I was 14, and I'm happy to say that I turned 18 back in november. Unfortunately, I've been out of touch with airsoft for about a year (University and all). I also apologize if this isn't the most appropriate forum section to make this post in. Anyways, I was hoping if anyone could fill me in on the last 1.5 years of airsoft? I don't recall exactly how long it's been since I've followed any news, but to put it into perspective, the last thing I remember happening was some "revolutionary" burst fire MP5 made of stamped steel I think. Thanks in advance!

Probably the biggest advance - prices coming down due to CBSA relaxation of importation rules, and the availability of airsoft guns and popularity of airsoft - going up. That's about it, in a nut-shell.

knightoice August 6th, 2012 03:11


Originally Posted by HackD (Post 1688254)
Probably the biggest advance - prices coming down due to CBSA relaxation of importation rules, and the availability of airsoft guns and popularity of airsoft - going up. That's about it, in a nut-shell.

That's great news! I somewhat remember the rules had started getting slacker, and a lot of online stores received a lot of G&G cansoft (I think it was called). I was really surprised a few minutes ago to see retailers like 007 selling full black guns, because I remembered the only place to get them were the verified forum.

RaisinBran August 6th, 2012 12:27

There's a store in Richmond now that is dedicated to airsoft.

It even has airsoft in its name.

kullwarrior August 6th, 2012 15:45

+Definition of uncontrolled firearm under CBSA is clarified
+Increase retailer importing
+Overall decrease is prices of airsoft guns Pistols that were selling $350 were now $230
+GBBR manufacture (non-cloning) now includes VFC, and KWA
-More instances of realistic, non-CT airsoft seen on news (where police are call in)

L473ncy August 6th, 2012 20:46

Airsoft Gear. Optix runs the store, he can also Age Verify you as well. Kampfer works at Milsig as their in house guntech (don't buy anything from Milsig, just go in, get AV and get out of there), he can also Age Verify, and I believe the newest guy in Vancouver is White_Knight or something like that, IIRC he's around Coquitlam area or something.

knightoice August 7th, 2012 02:47


Originally Posted by kullwarrior (Post 1688383)
+Definition of uncontrolled firearm under CBSA is clarified
+Increase retailer importing
+Overall decrease is prices of airsoft guns Pistols that were selling $350 were now $230
+GBBR manufacture (non-cloning) now includes VFC, and KWA
-More instances of realistic, non-CT airsoft seen on news (where police are call in)

Pretty much great news all around, glad to hear it


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1688490)
Airsoft Gear. Optix runs the store, he can also Age Verify you as well. Kampfer works at Milsig as their in house guntech (don't buy anything from Milsig, just go in, get AV and get out of there), he can also Age Verify, and I believe the newest guy in Vancouver is White_Knight or something like that, IIRC he's around Coquitlam area or something.

Ah, thanks! I'll see if I can get age verified tomorrow. I actually remember your avatar after all this time. Glad to see airsoft is still doing well since I was gone (from stalker the forums)

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